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Version 153 not display all file info on some tracks #53


Version 153 does not seem to be displaying all the file info for some tracks in the file info panel

I seem the same issue on both php verion 7.3 and version 8.0

at first I thought it was only flac files but some mp3s alos do not display all the relevant info

this is a screen shot using version 148


this is a screen shot using version 153


these were taken on a sytem running php 7.3

the linux file command reports the file type as

file 06\ -\ Expresso.mp3
06 - Expresso.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, unsynchronized frames, contains:MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 320 kbps, 44.1 kHz, Stereo

  • replies 9
  • views 2.9K
  • likes 0

It's next to impossible to debug things without information on what your system is.

Please provide the information from the Debug Information plugin, this will mean I don't have to keep going back and forth with questions.

tkgafs · Author

this is debug info for version 1.48 which display the file info

    • Version 1.48
    • mysql_database [Redacted]
    • mysql_host [Redacted]
    • mysql_password [Redacted]
    • mysql_port [Redacted]
    • mysql_user [Redacted]
    • proxy_host
    • proxy_password
    • proxy_user
    • spotify_token [Redacted]
    • spotify_token_expires [Redacted]
    • PHP_SELF /rompr/utils/debuginfo.php
    • SERVER_NAME plex
    • SERVER_SOFTWARE nginx/1.14.2
    • DOCUMENT_ROOT /home/john/web
    • HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:85.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/85.0
    • SERVER_PORT 80
    • REQUEST_URI /rompr/utils/debuginfo.php
    • currenthost Default
    • skin desktop
    • player_backend mpd
    • Version 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • mbstring 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • PDO 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • pdo_mysql
    • pdo_sqlite 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • curl 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • date 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • fileinfo 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • json 1.7.0
    • SimpleXML 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • GD 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • GD Info GD Version=2.2.5, FreeType Support=1, FreeType Linkage=with freetype, GIF Read Support=1, GIF Create Support=1, JPEG Support=1, PNG Support=1, WBMP Support=1, XPM Support=1, XBM Support=1, WebP Support=1, BMP Support=1, JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support=
    • ImageMagick Installed
    • date.timezone global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • default_charset global_value=UTF-8, local_value=UTF-8, access=7
    • default_socket_timeout global_value=60, local_value=60, access=7
    • display_errors global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • error_log global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • error_reporting global_value=22527, local_value=22527, access=7
    • file_uploads global_value=1, local_value=1, access=4
    • log_errors global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
    • max_execution_time global_value=1800, local_value=1800, access=7
    • mbstring.language global_value=neutral, local_value=neutral, access=7
    • memory_limit global_value=128M, local_value=128M, access=7
    • pdo_mysql.default_socket [NOT SET]
    • session.use_cookies global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
    • upload_tmp_dir global_value=, local_value=, access=4
    • Connection Status Connection Successful
    • MPD Interface Version 0.21.4
    • tagtype Artist, Album, AlbumArtist, Title, Track, Name, Genre, Date, Composer, Performer, Comment, Disc
    • Commands add, addid, addtagid, albumart, channels, clear, clearerror, cleartagid, close, commands, config, consume, count, crossfade, currentsong, decoders, delete, deleteid, disableoutput, enableoutput, find, findadd, idle, kill, list, listall, listallinfo, listfiles, listmounts, listpartitions, listplaylist, listplaylistinfo, listplaylists, load, lsinfo, mixrampdb, mixrampdelay, mount, move, moveid, newpartition, next, notcommands, outputs, outputset, partition, password, pause, ping, play, playid, playlist, playlistadd, playlistclear, playlistdelete, playlistfind, playlistid, playlistinfo, playlistmove, playlistsearch, plchanges, plchangesposid, previous, prio, prioid, random, rangeid, readcomments, readmessages, rename, repeat, replay_gain_mode, replay_gain_status, rescan, rm, save, search, searchadd, searchaddpl, seek, seekcur, seekid, sendmessage, setvol, shuffle, single, stats, status, sticker, stop, subscribe, swap, swapid, tagtypes, toggleoutput, unmount, unsubscribe, update, urlhandlers, volume
    • URL Handlers alsa://
    • URL Handlers http://
    • URL Handlers https://
    • URL Handlers gopher://
    • URL Handlers rtp://
    • URL Handlers rtsp://
    • URL Handlers rtmp://
    • URL Handlers rtmpt://
    • URL Handlers rtmps://
    • URL Handlers smb://
    • URL Handlers nfs://
    • URL Handlers mms://
    • URL Handlers mmsh://
    • URL Handlers mmst://
    • URL Handlers mmsu://
    • URL Handlers cdda://
    • plugin mad, mpg123, vorbis, oggflac, flac, opus, sndfile, audiofile, dsdiff, dsf, faad, mpcdec, wavpack, modplug, mikmod, sidplay, fluidsynth, adplug, ffmpeg, gme, pcm
    • suffix mp3, mp2, mp3, ogg, oga, ogg, oga, flac, opus, ogg, oga, wav, aiff, aif, au, snd, paf, iff, svx, sf, voc, w64, pvf, xi, htk, caf, sd2, wav, au, aiff, aif, dff, dsf, aac, mpc, wv, 669, amf, ams, dbm, dfm, dsm, far, it, med, mdl, mod, mtm, mt2, okt, s3m, stm, ult, umx, xm, amf, dsm, far, gdm, imf, it, med, mod, mtm, s3m, stm, stx, ult, uni, xm, sid, mus, str, prg, P00, mid, amd, d00, hsc, laa, rad, raw, sa2, 16sv, 3g2, 3gp, 4xm, 8svx, aa3, aac, ac3, adx, afc, aif, aifc, aiff, al, alaw, amr, anim, apc, ape, asf, atrac, au, aud, avi, avm2, avs, bap, bfi, c93, cak, cin, cmv, cpk, daud, dct, divx, dts, dv, dvd, dxa, eac3, film, flac, flc, fli, fll, flx, flv, g726, gsm, gxf, iss, m1v, m2v, m2t, m2ts, m4a, m4b, m4v, mad, mj2, mjpeg, mjpg, mka, mkv, mlp, mm, mmf, mov, mp+, mp1, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpc, mpeg, mpg, mpga, mpp, mpu, mve, mvi, mxf, nc, nsv, nut, nuv, oga, ogm, ogv, ogx, oma, ogg, omg, opus, psp, pva, qcp, qt, r3d, ra, ram, rl2, rm, rmvb, roq, rpl, rvc, shn, smk, snd, sol, son, spx, str, swf, tak, tgi, tgq, tgv, thp, ts, tsp, tta, xa, xvid, uv, uv2, vb, vid, vob, voc, vp6, vmd, wav, webm, wma, wmv, wsaud, wsvga, wv, wve, ay, gbs, gym, hes, kss, nsf, nsfe, sap, spc, vgm, vgz
    • mime_type audio/mpeg, application/ogg, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, audio/vorbis, audio/vorbis+ogg, audio/x-ogg, audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, application/ogg, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, audio/x-flac+ogg, audio/x-ogg, application/flac, application/x-flac, audio/flac, audio/x-flac, audio/ogg, application/ogg, audio/opus, audio/x-wav, audio/x-aiff, audio/x-wav, audio/x-aiff, application/x-dff, audio/x-dff, audio/x-dsd, application/x-dsf, audio/x-dsf, audio/x-dsd, audio/aac, audio/aacp, audio/x-wavpack, application/flv, application/m4a, application/mp4, application/octet-stream, application/ogg, application/x-ms-wmz, application/x-ms-wmd, application/x-ogg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-shorten, audio/8svx, audio/16sv, audio/aac, audio/aacp, audio/ac3, audio/aiffaudio/amr, audio/basic, audio/flac, audio/m4a, audio/mp4, audio/mpeg, audio/musepack, audio/ogg, audio/opus, audio/qcelp, audio/vorbis, audio/vorbis+ogg, audio/x-8svx, audio/x-16sv, audio/x-aac, audio/x-ac3, audio/x-adx, audio/x-aiffaudio/x-alaw, audio/x-au, audio/x-dca, audio/x-eac3, audio/x-flac, audio/x-gsm, audio/x-mace, audio/x-matroska, audio/x-monkeys-audio, audio/x-mpeg, audio/x-ms-wma, audio/x-ms-wax, audio/x-musepack, audio/x-ogg, audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, audio/x-pn-realaudio, audio/x-pn-multirate-realaudio, audio/x-speex, audio/x-ttaaudio/x-voc, audio/x-wav, audio/x-wma, audio/x-wv, video/anim, video/quicktime, video/msvideo, video/ogg, video/theora, video/webm, video/x-dv, video/x-flv, video/x-matroska, video/x-mjpeg, video/x-mpeg, video/x-ms-asf, video/x-msvideo, video/x-ms-wmv, video/x-ms-wvx, video/x-ms-wm, video/x-ms-wmx, video/x-nut, video/x-pva, video/x-theora, video/x-vid, video/x-wmv, video/x-xvid, audio/x-mpd-ffmpeg, audio/L16, audio/L24, audio/x-mpd-float, audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm, audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm-reverse
    • rgbs r=100, g=50, b=1, a=1
    • music_directory_albumart /Music/Include
    • sortbycomposer false
    • composergenre false
    • composergenrename 0=Classical
    • preferlocalfiles false
    • mopidy_collection_folders 0=Spotify Playlists, 1=Local media, 2=SoundCloud/Liked
    • lastfm_country_code GB
    • country_userset true
    • debug_enabled 0
    • custom_logfile
    • cleanalbumimages true
    • do_not_show_prefs false
    • load_plugins_at_loadtime false
    • beets_server_location
    • multihosts Default=[host=localhost, port=6600, password=, socket=, mopidy_remote=false, radioparams=[radiomode=, radioparam=null, radiomaster=1610137753602, radioconsume=[["consume","0"],["repeat","0"],["random","0"]]]]
    • dev_mode false
    • live_mode false
    • collection_load_timeout 3600000
    • smartradio_chunksize 5
    • linkchecker_nextrun 1614255574834
    • linkchecker_isrunning false
    • linkchecker_frequency 604800000
    • linkchecker_polltime 5000
    • audiobook_directory
    • collection_player mpd
    • snapcast_server
    • snapcast_port 1705
    • displaycomposer true
    • artistsatstart 0=
    • nosortprefixes 0=The
    • sortcollectionby albumbyartist
    • sortresultsby sameas
    • actuallysortresultsby albumbyartist
    • google_api_key
    • google_search_engine_id
    • sync_lastfm_playcounts false
    • sync_lastfm_at_start false
    • last_lastfm_synctime 1610048546000
    • next_lastfm_synctime 0
    • lastfm_sync_frequency 3600000
    • lfm_importer_start_offset 0
    • lfm_importer_last_import 0
    • sortbydate true
    • notvabydate false
    • currenthost Default
    • player_backend mpd
    • collectionrange 0
    • lastfm_user
    • lastfm_session_key
    • autotagname
    • tradsearch false
    • lastfm_scrobbling false
    • lastfm_autocorrect false
    • sourceshidden false
    • playlisthidden false
    • infosource lastfm
    • sourceswidthpercent 25
    • playlistwidthpercent 25
    • downloadart true
    • clickmode double
    • chooser albumlist
    • hide_albumlist false
    • hide_filelist false
    • hide_radiolist false
    • hide_podcastslist true
    • hide_playlistslist false
    • hide_audiobooklist false
    • hide_searcher false
    • hidebrowser false
    • shownupdatewindow 1.48
    • scrolltocurrent false
    • alarm_ramptime 30
    • alarm_snoozetime 8
    • lastfmlang default
    • user_lang en
    • synctags false
    • synclove false
    • synclovevalue 5
    • theme Numismatist.css
    • icontheme Modern-Dark
    • coversize 40-Large.css
    • fontsize 04-Grande.css
    • fontfamily Nunito.css
    • displayresultsas collection
    • crossfade_duration 5
    • newradiocountry countries/GB
    • search_limit_limitsearch false
    • scrobblepercent 50
    • updateeverytime false
    • fullbiobydefault true
    • mopidy_search_domains 0=local, 1=spotify
    • mopidy_radio_domains 0=local, 1=spotify
    • outputsvisible false
    • wheelscrollspeed 150
    • searchcollectiononly false
    • displayremainingtime true
    • cdplayermode false
    • auto_discovembobulate false
    • sleeptime 30
    • sleepon false
    • sortwishlistby artist
    • player_in_titlebar false
    • communityradioorderby name
    • browser_id 1613753562967
    • playlistswipe true
    • default_podcast_display_mode 0
    • default_podcast_refresh_mode 4
    • default_podcast_sort_mode 0
    • podcast_mark_new_as_unlistened false
    • use_albumart_in_playlist true
    • podcast_sort_levels 4
    • podcast_sort_0 Title
    • podcast_sort_1 Artist
    • podcast_sort_2 Category
    • podcast_sort_3 new
    • bgimgparms dummy=baby
    • alarms
    • lastversionchecked 1.00
    • lastversionchecktime 1613650789745
    • playlistbuttons_isopen false
    • collectionbuttons_isopen false
    • advsearchoptions_isopen false
    • podcastbuttons_isopen false
    • last_cache_clean 1613748190090
    • next_podcast_refresh 1615769981105
    • use_original_releasedate false
    • collection_type sqlite
    • collectioncontrolsvisible true
    • skin desktop
    • maxrgbs r=255, g=75, b=1, a=1
    • bgdrgbs r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0
    • radiomode
    • radioparam null
    • radiomaster 1610137753602
    • radioconsume [["consume","0"],["repeat","0"],["random","0"]]
tkgafs · Author

this is the debug info for version 1.53 which does not always display the file info

    • Version 1.53
    • mysql_database [Redacted]
    • mysql_host [Redacted]
    • mysql_password [Redacted]
    • mysql_port [Redacted]
    • mysql_user [Redacted]
    • spotify_token [Redacted]
    • spotify_token_expires [Redacted]
    • PHP_SELF /rompr/utils/debuginfo.php
    • SERVER_NAME plex
    • SERVER_SOFTWARE nginx/1.14.2
    • DOCUMENT_ROOT /home/john/web
    • HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:85.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/85.0
    • SERVER_PORT 80
    • REQUEST_URI /rompr/utils/debuginfo.php
    • currenthost Default
    • skin desktop
    • player_backend mpd
    • Version 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • mbstring 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • PDO 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • pdo_mysql
    • pdo_sqlite 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • curl 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • date 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • fileinfo 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • json 1.7.0
    • SimpleXML 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • GD 7.3.27-1~deb10u1
    • GD Info GD Version=2.2.5, FreeType Support=1, FreeType Linkage=with freetype, GIF Read Support=1, GIF Create Support=1, JPEG Support=1, PNG Support=1, WBMP Support=1, XPM Support=1, XBM Support=1, WebP Support=1, BMP Support=1, JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support=
    • ImageMagick Installed
    • date.timezone global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • default_charset global_value=UTF-8, local_value=UTF-8, access=7
    • default_socket_timeout global_value=60, local_value=60, access=7
    • display_errors global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • error_log global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • error_reporting global_value=22527, local_value=22527, access=7
    • file_uploads global_value=1, local_value=1, access=4
    • log_errors global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
    • max_execution_time global_value=1800, local_value=1800, access=7
    • mbstring.language global_value=neutral, local_value=neutral, access=7
    • memory_limit global_value=128M, local_value=128M, access=7
    • pdo_mysql.default_socket [NOT SET]
    • session.use_cookies global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
    • upload_tmp_dir global_value=, local_value=, access=4
    • Connection Status Connection Successful
    • MPD Interface Version 0.21.4
    • tagtype Artist, Album, AlbumArtist, Title, Track, Name, Genre, Date, Composer, Performer, Comment, Disc
    • Commands add, addid, addtagid, albumart, channels, clear, clearerror, cleartagid, close, commands, config, consume, count, crossfade, currentsong, decoders, delete, deleteid, disableoutput, enableoutput, find, findadd, idle, kill, list, listall, listallinfo, listfiles, listmounts, listpartitions, listplaylist, listplaylistinfo, listplaylists, load, lsinfo, mixrampdb, mixrampdelay, mount, move, moveid, newpartition, next, notcommands, outputs, outputset, partition, password, pause, ping, play, playid, playlist, playlistadd, playlistclear, playlistdelete, playlistfind, playlistid, playlistinfo, playlistmove, playlistsearch, plchanges, plchangesposid, previous, prio, prioid, random, rangeid, readcomments, readmessages, rename, repeat, replay_gain_mode, replay_gain_status, rescan, rm, save, search, searchadd, searchaddpl, seek, seekcur, seekid, sendmessage, setvol, shuffle, single, stats, status, sticker, stop, subscribe, swap, swapid, tagtypes, toggleoutput, unmount, unsubscribe, update, urlhandlers, volume
    • URL Handlers alsa://
    • URL Handlers http://
    • URL Handlers https://
    • URL Handlers gopher://
    • URL Handlers rtp://
    • URL Handlers rtsp://
    • URL Handlers rtmp://
    • URL Handlers rtmpt://
    • URL Handlers rtmps://
    • URL Handlers smb://
    • URL Handlers nfs://
    • URL Handlers mms://
    • URL Handlers mmsh://
    • URL Handlers mmst://
    • URL Handlers mmsu://
    • URL Handlers cdda://
    • plugin mad, mpg123, vorbis, oggflac, flac, opus, sndfile, audiofile, dsdiff, dsf, faad, mpcdec, wavpack, modplug, mikmod, sidplay, fluidsynth, adplug, ffmpeg, gme, pcm
    • suffix mp3, mp2, mp3, ogg, oga, ogg, oga, flac, opus, ogg, oga, wav, aiff, aif, au, snd, paf, iff, svx, sf, voc, w64, pvf, xi, htk, caf, sd2, wav, au, aiff, aif, dff, dsf, aac, mpc, wv, 669, amf, ams, dbm, dfm, dsm, far, it, med, mdl, mod, mtm, mt2, okt, s3m, stm, ult, umx, xm, amf, dsm, far, gdm, imf, it, med, mod, mtm, s3m, stm, stx, ult, uni, xm, sid, mus, str, prg, P00, mid, amd, d00, hsc, laa, rad, raw, sa2, 16sv, 3g2, 3gp, 4xm, 8svx, aa3, aac, ac3, adx, afc, aif, aifc, aiff, al, alaw, amr, anim, apc, ape, asf, atrac, au, aud, avi, avm2, avs, bap, bfi, c93, cak, cin, cmv, cpk, daud, dct, divx, dts, dv, dvd, dxa, eac3, film, flac, flc, fli, fll, flx, flv, g726, gsm, gxf, iss, m1v, m2v, m2t, m2ts, m4a, m4b, m4v, mad, mj2, mjpeg, mjpg, mka, mkv, mlp, mm, mmf, mov, mp+, mp1, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpc, mpeg, mpg, mpga, mpp, mpu, mve, mvi, mxf, nc, nsv, nut, nuv, oga, ogm, ogv, ogx, oma, ogg, omg, opus, psp, pva, qcp, qt, r3d, ra, ram, rl2, rm, rmvb, roq, rpl, rvc, shn, smk, snd, sol, son, spx, str, swf, tak, tgi, tgq, tgv, thp, ts, tsp, tta, xa, xvid, uv, uv2, vb, vid, vob, voc, vp6, vmd, wav, webm, wma, wmv, wsaud, wsvga, wv, wve, ay, gbs, gym, hes, kss, nsf, nsfe, sap, spc, vgm, vgz
    • mime_type audio/mpeg, application/ogg, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, audio/vorbis, audio/vorbis+ogg, audio/x-ogg, audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, application/ogg, application/x-ogg, audio/ogg, audio/x-flac+ogg, audio/x-ogg, application/flac, application/x-flac, audio/flac, audio/x-flac, audio/ogg, application/ogg, audio/opus, audio/x-wav, audio/x-aiff, audio/x-wav, audio/x-aiff, application/x-dff, audio/x-dff, audio/x-dsd, application/x-dsf, audio/x-dsf, audio/x-dsd, audio/aac, audio/aacp, audio/x-wavpack, application/flv, application/m4a, application/mp4, application/octet-stream, application/ogg, application/x-ms-wmz, application/x-ms-wmd, application/x-ogg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-shorten, audio/8svx, audio/16sv, audio/aac, audio/aacp, audio/ac3, audio/aiffaudio/amr, audio/basic, audio/flac, audio/m4a, audio/mp4, audio/mpeg, audio/musepack, audio/ogg, audio/opus, audio/qcelp, audio/vorbis, audio/vorbis+ogg, audio/x-8svx, audio/x-16sv, audio/x-aac, audio/x-ac3, audio/x-adx, audio/x-aiffaudio/x-alaw, audio/x-au, audio/x-dca, audio/x-eac3, audio/x-flac, audio/x-gsm, audio/x-mace, audio/x-matroska, audio/x-monkeys-audio, audio/x-mpeg, audio/x-ms-wma, audio/x-ms-wax, audio/x-musepack, audio/x-ogg, audio/x-vorbis, audio/x-vorbis+ogg, audio/x-pn-realaudio, audio/x-pn-multirate-realaudio, audio/x-speex, audio/x-ttaaudio/x-voc, audio/x-wav, audio/x-wma, audio/x-wv, video/anim, video/quicktime, video/msvideo, video/ogg, video/theora, video/webm, video/x-dv, video/x-flv, video/x-matroska, video/x-mjpeg, video/x-mpeg, video/x-ms-asf, video/x-msvideo, video/x-ms-wmv, video/x-ms-wvx, video/x-ms-wm, video/x-ms-wmx, video/x-nut, video/x-pva, video/x-theora, video/x-vid, video/x-wmv, video/x-xvid, audio/x-mpd-ffmpeg, audio/L16, audio/L24, audio/x-mpd-float, audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm, audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm-reverse
    • rgbs r=1, g=1, b=1, a=0.75
    • skin desktop
    • music_directory_albumart /Music/Include
    • sortbycomposer false
    • composergenre false
    • composergenrename 0=Classical
    • preferlocalfiles false
    • mopidy_collection_folders 0=Spotify Playlists, 1=Local media, 2=SoundCloud/Liked
    • lastfm_country_code GB
    • country_userset true
    • debug_enabled 0
    • custom_logfile
    • cleanalbumimages true
    • do_not_show_prefs false
    • load_plugins_at_loadtime false
    • beets_server_location
    • dev_mode false
    • live_mode false
    • use_mopidy_scan false
    • collection_load_timeout 3600000
    • smartradio_chunksize 5
    • linkchecker_nextrun 1614255574834
    • linkchecker_isrunning false
    • linkchecker_frequency 604800000
    • linkchecker_polltime 5000
    • audiobook_directory
    • collection_player mpd
    • snapcast_server
    • snapcast_port 1705
    • snapcast_http 1780
    • http_port_for_mopidy 6680
    • multihosts Default=[host=localhost, port=6600, password=, socket=, mopidy_remote=false, radioparams=[radiomode=, radioparam=null, radiomaster=1610137753602, radioconsume=[["consume","0"],["repeat","0"],["random","0"]]]]
    • old_style_sql false
    • displaycomposer true
    • artistsatstart 0=
    • nosortprefixes 0=The
    • sortcollectionby albumbyartist
    • sortresultsby sameas
    • actuallysortresultsby albumbyartist
    • sync_lastfm_playcounts false
    • sync_lastfm_at_start false
    • next_lastfm_synctime 0
    • lastfm_sync_frequency 3600000
    • lfm_importer_start_offset 0
    • lfm_importer_last_import 0
    • hide_master_volume false
    • sortbydate true
    • notvabydate false
    • currenthost Default
    • player_backend mpd
    • collectionrange 0
    • lastfm_user
    • autotagname
    • lastfm_logged_in false
    • tradsearch false
    • lastfm_scrobbling false
    • lastfm_autocorrect false
    • sourceshidden false
    • playlisthidden false
    • infosource lastfm
    • sourceswidthpercent 25
    • playlistwidthpercent 25
    • downloadart true
    • clickmode double
    • chooser albumlist
    • hide_albumlist false
    • hide_filelist false
    • hide_radiolist false
    • hide_podcastslist true
    • hide_playlistslist false
    • hide_audiobooklist false
    • hide_searcher false
    • hidebrowser false
    • shownupdatewindow 1.53
    • scrolltocurrent false
    • alarm_ramptime 30
    • alarm_snoozetime 8
    • lastfmlang default
    • synctags false
    • synclove false
    • synclovevalue 5
    • theme Numismatist.css
    • icontheme Modern-Dark
    • coversize 40-Large.css
    • fontsize 04-Grande.css
    • fontfamily Nunito.css
    • displayresultsas collection
    • crossfade_duration 5
    • newradiocountry countries/GB
    • search_limit_limitsearch false
    • scrobblepercent 50
    • updateeverytime false
    • fullbiobydefault true
    • mopidy_search_domains 0=local, 1=spotify
    • mopidy_radio_domains 0=local, 1=spotify
    • outputsvisible false
    • wheelscrollspeed 150
    • searchcollectiononly false
    • displayremainingtime true
    • cdplayermode false
    • auto_discovembobulate false
    • sleeptime 30
    • sleepon false
    • sortwishlistby artist
    • player_in_titlebar false
    • communityradioorderby name
    • browser_id 1613753562967
    • playlistswipe true
    • default_podcast_display_mode 0
    • default_podcast_refresh_mode 4
    • default_podcast_sort_mode 0
    • podcast_mark_new_as_unlistened false
    • use_albumart_in_playlist true
    • podcast_sort_levels 4
    • podcast_sort_0 Title
    • podcast_sort_1 Artist
    • podcast_sort_2 Category
    • podcast_sort_3 new
    • alarms
    • lastversionchecked 1.00
    • lastversionchecktime 1613650789745
    • playlistbuttons_isopen false
    • collectionbuttons_isopen false
    • advsearchoptions_isopen false
    • podcastbuttons_isopen false
    • last_cache_clean 1613747570551
    • next_podcast_refresh 1615769981105
    • use_original_releasedate false
    • bgimgparms dummy=baby
    • last_lastfm_synctime 1610048546000
    • google_api_key
    • google_search_engine_id
    • user_lang en
    • collection_type sqlite
    • collectioncontrolsvisible true
    • mopidy_http_port false
    • maxrgbs r=150, g=150, b=150, a=0.75
    • bgdrgbs r=1, g=1, b=1, a=0
    • radiomode
    • radioparam null
    • radiomaster 1610137753602
    • radioconsume [["consume","0"],["repeat","0"],["random","0"]]

I can't reproduce this at all. You say it does it 'sometimes'. Is there a pattern? Are there specific tracks that always do it or is there something else you do that provokes it?

tkgafs · Author

It seems to be specific tracks, as I said at first I though it was just flac files, but some mp3s do it as well.

I have been trying a few things out this morning, it doesnt seem to affect the choice of tracks using the personalised radio filters, it does simply seem to be the display in the file info panel, but then I realised that the track info will presumably already be in the database.

I first noticed it on my archlinux server which is running php 8 and thought it might be another php 8 issue.

But I am currently building a music server for a friend on a debian server which is running php 7.3 and it does exactly the same thing, it is this server I have send the debug information from.

I have also tried replacing the getID3 folder with latest version of getID3 but as I expected that made no difference.

Is there any way I can send you a couple of sample tracks that exhibit the problem ?

is there somewhere I could send you copies of a couple of tracks that display the issue.


The info in that panel is read directly from mpd, doesn't use my database or getid3, so the bug is likely to be in the Javascript side. If you're comfortable using the browser's Javascript console you might see an error message in there, otherwise you could zip one of the files and attach it to a reply on here. I think that works.

tkgafs · Author


I've worked out what the issue is

the information is not displayed if the track has a comment in it

the javascript console pointed me to this

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: parent.playlistinfo is undefined
promise callbackcollection/this.populate/<
setTimeout handler
setTimeout handlercheckProgress/<
setTimeout handler
setTimeout handler*checkProgress/<
jQuery 10

line 57 of rompr/browser/plugins/01_info_file.js

is in this block

 if (info.Comment) {
                    if (typeof info.Comment == "object") {
                            info.Comment = info.Comment.join('<br>');
                    var poo = info.Comment;
                    if (parent.playlistinfo.type == 'stream' && {    <----- line 57
                            poo += '<br />';
                    layout.add_flow_box_header({title: language.gettext("info_comment")});

I created a test album where every other track contained a comment
and the ones without comments displayed the file info correctly
the ones with comments did not display anything

hope this helps you correct issue



Nice one, a small oversight. Try version 1.54

tkgafs · Author

Thats seems to fixed it, thanks again for all your efforts