I am looking for the replacement for the following logic in flexmark java, can you please suggest?
PegDownProcessor pegDownProcessor = new PegDownProcessor(Extensions.ALL - (headerLinks ? 0 : Extensions.ANCHORLINKS)
- (hardwrap ? 0 : Extensions.HARDWRAPS) + (allowHtml ? 0 : Extensions.SUPPRESS_ALL_HTML));
try {
processed = pegDownProcessor.markdownToHtml(data, new ConfluenceWikiLinkRenderer(info, xhtmlContent));
} catch (Exception exception) {
throw new MacroExecutionException("Conversion of Markdown markup failed: " + exception.toString());
And also for one of our other requirement we are extending LinkRenderer.java of pegdown for Confluence WikiLink Renderer implementation. Can we have a replacement for this one as well?
Currently we are getting compilation errors for Rendering, WikiLinkNode
classes if we migrate from pegdown to flexmark java.
Please help us resolve these issue would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if anything is not clear.