
thay-oliveira96 ·

  • TRO Software
  • Brasil

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We need more details for troubleshooting.
Try the following tips to enable more detailed logging. Or can you already see more in the logs of your application server? Which app server are you using btw?

An error occured. Please contact your local administrator.

help wanted
tela-principal-jasper.png erro-tela-jasper.png

Hello, I apologize! So, I am using Apache Tomcat/9.0.89. The connection to the database was successful, and I am even able to reach the JRI Jasper report integration homepage. On the page, there is a section called "Basic report tests," where there...

An error occured. Please contact your local administrator.

help wanted

Hello friends, I'm new here on the forum. I set up an environment for a friend on a Rocky Linux VPS. I successfully installed Oracle Database 21c, ORDS, and Oracle Apex. Then, I started the installation and configuration of JRI. Everything went well with...

What is the best way to use JRI in a docker container

help wanted answered

Hello, I'm facing a challenge and would like to seek assistance. Currently, I have an environment on a Linux Ubuntu Server machine with two Docker containers: one containing Oracle Apex and Ords, and the other with the Oracle 21XE database. I aim to integr...

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