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Does 'seed' ensure that the same children/mutations are generated for a yml configuration and program? #12


hey @ChrisTimperley -
I was comparing the output from a previous run [see BugZoo pull request #341 conversation ] and latest fix. I noticed that the Candidates being evaluated/generated aren't consistent with each other.
Is this expected?
Are the Candidates generated using the same Darjeeling + BugZoo + other tools + seed + program expected to be the same, but potentially evaluated in a different order?

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The same set of mutations should be generated. If that's not the case, then it sounds like there's a bug.


@ChrisTimperley - let me double check that this was what I was seeing a couple of weeks ago. if I confirm, I'll promote this to an issue. cool?


Awesome. Thanks!

I was able to duplicate the scenario where not only do I see different candidates from the STDOUT Darjeeling repair, but also some different repairs.
I launched a few back to back darjeeling runs like so with the :

for i in $(seq 0 1 10); do 
    mkdir -p seed.test.$i; 
    cd seed.test.$i; 
    darjeeling repair --seed 12345678 ../../no_seed.yml |& tee; 
    cd ../; 

Please note that I'm using the genetic algorithm:

  type: genetic
  population: 200
  generations: 200
  tournament-size: 20
  mutation-rate: 0.8
  crossover-rate: 0.4
  # look at entire test suite for test sampling [subset of testsuite is 100%]
  test-sample-size: null

and I'm not only seeing different candidates, but some different repairs. I have a tarball of the logs and outputs, will upload.

Does 'seed' ensure that the same children/mutations are generated for a yml configuration and program [using algorithm type genetic]?
pdreiter created GitHub issue Does 'seed' ensure that the same children/mutations are generated for a yml configuration and program [using algorithm type genetic]? based on post #5