Peter Hausel

pk11 ·

  • Silicon Valley, CA

How to serve ludwig models from a non python runtime?

OK, just to update this thread: it seems the above is definitely the wrong track, since that code path is mainly about how to populate train_set_metadata, not about how to convert input string into tensors. Right now investigating


How to serve ludwig models from a non python runtime?

I’m not an expert in the matter, but if latency is paramount, have you considered serving with c++? The amount of work for implementing the preprocessing and postprocessing should be the same in c++ and Java.

good point on sug...


How to serve ludwig models from a non python runtime?

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I will try to create a prototype handling ludwig model serving with java(using java tf). For additional context: in our case, we would need to deploy models in java services due to latency requirements. Similar to y...