P.D. Reiter

pdreiter ·


Docker in Docker for bugzoo iteractions

I have a docker container that runs Bugzoo and I'm getting what seem to be socket issues - see below.If I need to run bugzoo in another docker container, is there something I'm missing in my docker set up to enable this?I'm running the encapsulating dock...


bugzoo bug coverage : clang support?

feature howto support

I'm working with a C++17 program that supports clang compilation, not gcc, and built my program bugzoo infrastructure around and .I found that there was no impact wrt using , until I tried to generate the coverage via . It looks like , needs the ...


gcov linking issue


I'm seeing this linking issue with a new bugzoo bug I'm trying to repair. Any ideas of what is the problem? I'm using configure-and-make

2425 challenge_src/src/main.o: In function `bugzoo_sighandler(int)':^M
2426 main.cpp:(.text+0x4): undefined refere...

Documentation for bugs/languages : keyword C++ not supported, instead CPP


Looking at file-format documentation, it looks like keyword C++ doesn't work in bugs: languages, but CPP does.
Minor request, when the enumeration error occurs, could the supported languages be printed in the bugzoo log?


Does 'seed' ensure that the same children/mutations are generated for a yml configuration and program?


hey -I was comparing the output from a previous run [see ] and latest fix. I noticed that the Candidates being evaluated/generated aren't consistent with each other.Is this expected?Are the Candidates generated using the same Darjeeling + BugZoo + other ...


unexpected response from server [500]: Too many open files

bug help wanted question

On a single program that I'm running algorithm type genetic, I'm seeing the following exception occur a few times:

<title>requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', OSError(24, 'Too many open files')) // Werkzeug Debugger</title>


Does darjeeling/bugzoo infrastructure support more than one simultaneous process?

bug question

On my host machine yesterday, I launched two darjeeling repairs on two different bugzoo containers and darjeeling directories. When I looked at the results, it looked like bugzoo manager shut down the daemon while another darjeeling/kaskara process...


What's the best way to approach darjeeling.exceptions.NoImplicatedLines ?

analysis help wanted question

@ChrisTimperley -

I am comparing Darjeeling and GenProg on a simple program - GenProg was able to identify a valid repair from 2 positive and 1 negative tests, but in Darjeeling, I am getting the NoImplicatedLines exception for exhaustive s...


bugzoo does not play well with byte literals in program output

bug howto support

I have a testing environment which requires byte literals to expose security flaws in the test cases, so that they can be patched later.
I see the following error when running bugzoo bug validate <mybug> in the negative test case:

Running test: n1...


Darjeeling : supplying --debug option doesn't display all logger.debug messages

bug enhancement

I think we talked previously that not all the debug infrastructure is enabled in Darjeeling, but just flagging this specific low priority discrepancy.When is supplied on the command line, it looks like the messages from aren't printed to STDOUT/STDERR....


GA returning empty set as plausible repair

good first issue help wanted

Using the same bugzoo bug infrastructure, I am evaluating two input Darjeeling yml files to identify a patch for my fauxware toy problem.

  1. exhaustive search - this yml + Darjeeling finds an appropriate patch
  2. genetic search - this yml...

kaskara-statement-finder : "Compile command not found"

bug help wanted

I'm trying to debug my toy source code where there are 0 snippets and 0 statements and I'm reusing the debug methodology from an earlier interaction with @ChrisTimperley.Basically, (and ) does not seem to work - instead getting "Compile command not ...


What’s the best/most effective way to debug input to darjeeling?

help wanted

I have a toy code segment that is running through Darjeeling, but it’s identifying 0 snippets and 0 transformations. I have been manually analyzing the source code, but I'm looking for a better way to debug.I just tried to use and as a debugger and the v...


Where are Darjeeling debug log file[s] located?

enhancement question

I'm invoking darjeeling -d repair sample.yml, but I can't seem to find the debug logs.
Where can I find the Darjeeling logs? When -d is supplied, could the relevant debug file location be printed to stdout?


Incremental Debug for new test cases

docs enhancement

-When adding new Darjeeling test and the related bugzoo infrastructure, there are a lot of working parts here and it would great to know where or on what I should be focusing to isolate the configuration issue. It would be nice to have a set of...


Reusing existing ManyBugs docker images

docs enhancement

I'd like to reuse the existing squareslab/manybugs:base directly as image in a new set of tests I'm developing. It does not seem that this is possible - as only python test-case related tags exist here https://hu...Do you see any potential issues with this?


Darjeeling Startup issues and Kaskara tool

docs help wanted

Hi all-
I'm getting a tool exception when using Darjeeling with the example YML manybugs:python:69223-69224:

Exception: tool is not installed: kaskara

I followed the instructions from the Darjeeling Readme, the exception being I ran

source bin/ac...