
paperstiger ·


negative Signed distance

With the help of someone else, I can adapt code from


negative Signed distance

The thing is, even if I uncomment it into

world = WorldModel(), 1, 1, world=world, name='Y', type='GeometricPrimitive'), 2, 2, center=[1.4,0,0], world=world, name='Z', type='GeometricPrimitive'...

Calculation of impact between object and robot?

More on this issue. When I am recording video, it seems that the video recording suddenly stops if ODESimulator raise warning information. Besides, can the default ffmpeg command to include -pix_fmt yuv420p? Moreover, in my simulation some weird behavior o...


Calculation of impact between object and robot?

Thanks for your reply. I played with object mass and somehow avoided this issue. Previously the mass is 3 kg and now I change it to 0.1 kg. I also tuned PID to make them smaller.


idle and control_loop function in Simulation

Quote from Kris' reply

idle() is called whenever your program is idle, and will handle simulation + GUI redrawing. control_loop() is just a convenient place to put control code, specifically (for example, if you want to switch your code to do comma...