
paperstiger ·


negative Signed distance

How to compute negative signed distance, i.e. penetration and direction to move? It seems that now I can only get 0 distance and some non-sense points.

Code snippet is

world = WorldModel(), 1, 1, world=world, name='Y')  #, t...

Make ee axis be along a certain direction in motion planning

The problem is my end effector is a plate and I want to keep its normal upwards. I know the two point ik problem at start and goal. But how to do it for the intermediate milestones in motion planning functions?


Box creation and getting its location

I am kinda confused with box function to create a rigidobject box to the environment

def box(width,depth,height,center=None,R=None,t=None,world=None,name=None,mass=float('inf'),type='TriangleMesh')

First, I am not sure what's the difference between c...


Bug in

I looked into the code for create a box, when mass is not inf, the code is


Is this incorrect since mass is not used here?


Calculation of impact between object and robot?

I am doing a simulation task where in the first a few seconds, an object has to fall on a plate held by the robot from a very short height (a few cm). However, it seems that the calculation of impact is not correct. After that it is giving weird er...


idle and control_loop function in Simulation

In GLRealtimeProgram class, there is a function named idle and control_loop. However, idle is called at 50 Hz but control_loop is never called. Controller has higher rate than 50 Hz, how to set controller at higher rate?