Mark Greenwood

fatg3erman ·

Script monkey. If I had a shed it would run Linux.

RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


It still needs write access to the albumart folder and everything underneath it, it only scans your local images once. Can you send me the debug information again now that you've switched to nginx.


RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


You probably need to check the ownership of the albumart folder and its contents


RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


Yeah that's definitely a permissions issue. The ownership needs to be the same user as php-fpm - which should be the same as nginx but might not be on your system I guess. Also note that applies to the prefs directory and all its contents, recursively.


RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


It also appears from the debug info that rompr_backend isn't running, which would also be a consequence of a lack of process detaching. This will definitely cause issues.


RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


I haven't used lighthttpd and I'm not sure rompr will work with it, but what you can try is point your browser at rompr/?setup, tick 'Clear Update Lock', then OK, and try again.

If that doesn't work then I suspect that lighthttpd doesn't support process d...


How do i play a single album from a boxset


Anything you can select you can play. Double-clcking "Disc 2" will play only Disc 2.


Personalized radio clears playlist

Just to be clear, you mean to not remove tracks that are there when you start? I have to remove tracks after they've played otherwise the playlist can grow to an enormous size, and Rompr is not good at handling large playlists.


Farewell to Bitnami WAMP stack

This is kind of moot anyway since I'm dropping support for Windows in RompR version 2, which will be out soon, possibly in January. I no longer have the ability to test on Windows and I introduced some new functionality which isn't possible to do on non-PO...


Questions on multi-player / multi-user setup

  1. I only use mopidyctl because mopidy doesn't provide a command for updating local files (MPD does)
  2. RompR relies on the information provided to it by whatever Mopidy backends you are using, so it doesn't read the files directly. It read tags to...

Questions on multi-player / multi-user setup

An interesting setup. Multi-user is not something I designed Rompr to support. I'm going to answer your questions in a different order to what they were asked:

  1. Note: you cannot have two users in the same browser. Preferen...

Donation nag screen

I don't have a problem with people doing that if you set it to the current version number. It's only really doing what the app itself would do.

Incidentally, you could use that trick to provide defaults for any of the options that are saved in the brows...


add tags to all tracks of an album

In the desktop skin, select multiple tracks then use the dropdown menu on any of the tracks to add a tag. It'll be added to all the tracks. In the phone skin you can select multiple tracks by clicking the dropdown menu icon on them all, then add a tag.


Mark, tag or ( - star ) specific tracks.

Going to need aome more detail on this because I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Added how? Ignored in what way?


Donation nag screen

I don't know if Firefox has any way of marking specific sites as 'safe'? I can't run it here any more as it locks up my Mac every time I launch it. Otherwise yeah I'm afraid you'll continue to be nagged. It's a shame as I deliberately didn't want it to be ...


Donation nag screen

That pref isn't stored as a cookie but it is stored in the browser's local storage. In fact the majority of rompr's prefs are stored there, and some are Cookies. I'd reckon that's the issue. Rompr isn't designed to work without cookies, and if you're clear...


Donation nag screen

That screen should only ever show when you upgrade to a new version. How are you closing it, and what browser are you using?

Thanks fir your donation(s)!


Specified key was too long

Crikey, the things people think of doing :)

I guess that is the use case though - db server on a different machine. It is becoming a real pain to support though, as there are significant differences between different versions of MySQL and MariaDB such tha...


Specified key was too long

Thanks Tom, you just saved me a lot of digging :)

Worth noting also that it appears the minimum version of MariaDB that will work is 10.3, which seems to be the most recent.

So much for MariaDB being a drop-in replacement for MySQL huh?

May I ask why yo...


Problem with getting Playlist

Nice, thanks for posting. Out of interest, what OS are you running? I use mysql on a Pi and have not had this problem.


Problem with getting Playlist

If you want to get MySQL up and running, there are two instances of the number 768 in backends/sql/mysql/init_database.class.php - if you change both of those to 767 (I think) then MySQL should work. However I can't guarantee it won't break the next time...


Problem with getting Playlist

This is a problem with MySQL/mariaDB - I have no reliable method of checking which version is being used or what options were used when it was compiled, so writing code that works across all systems is basically impossible. So I've decided that I'll writ...


Problem with getting Playlist

Your version of RompR is hugely out of date, I fixed all the PHP 7 issues more than a year ago. Please upgrade to 1.59.1 from here


Crossfade with personalized radio

Ahhhh, no that's not intentional - or rather it's not something I specifically decided to do but I can see why it happens. I use Mopidy which doesn't support crossfade so I'd never noticed that. The other controls (repeat,shuffle, etc) need to be greyed ...


Is it possible to add "is not" to rating drop down in personalized radio?

Try 1.59.1. I modded it so it now should behave like you want, since that does feel like the most sensible way.


Is it possible to add "is not" to rating drop down in personalized radio?

That's correct. "Rating is not 1" means "Rating is set to something that isn't one. Tracks with no Rating have exactly that - No Rating - so they won't match this filter because Rating is not set to anything. (There's no such thing as Rating = 0).

Seems t...