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IKSolver Basically Cheating. #39


Hello, I'm a newbie just trying to get IK solutions out of the python Klamp't library. Unfortunately I've run into an issue which I need a bit of guidance on. I have created a ROB file out of an URDF of a humanoid robot, and have given the end effector of the right arm a target. However, while the solver does indeed "solve" and get the effector to the point it's not as I expected. Instead of just moving the arm it literally just moves the entire robot to the point (there's a bit of arm movement too). Is there a way to easily cement the robot model and only move the arm chain? Or will I have to just sift through the URDF and change stuff there? Thank you for your time.

  • solved #2
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When solving for IK, you can set the joints you want to solve for by setting the parameter activeDofs in ik.solve(). The joints that are not in the list of activeDofs will be frozen.

JakeSimoes accepted post #2 as the answer
JakeSimoes · Author

Thank you! I spent more time than I'd like to admit figuring out the issue.