
jimydirektsaft ·


Problem importing Last.fm playcounts

Hello!In the last few days I tried unsuccessfully to import the last.fm playcounts.The import of all playcounts is expected to take ~8 hours. Unfortunately, the imort always stops at different times. Sometimes the import stops after a few minutes and s...


How to check if Last.FM Playcount Importer realy imports?


Hi, if I start the last.fm importer on a fresh rompr installation it tooks approximately 7-8 hours to query last.fm for playcounts.

One thing makes me a bit suspicious. Every time I returned to the screen during the 7-8 hours I saw that last.fm foun...


Looking for good advice in playing Personalised Radio from my collection


Hello, I used the docker variant as base to install RompR.
I configured snapcast and mopidy and let RompR scan my music files. All other settings left to defaults.

If I navigate to Personalised Radion and choose "All Tracks At Random" nothing happens...