
ipa-rmb-mr ·

  • Germany

Simulate faster than real-time


Thanks for your reply, I will try this at some point.

Simulate faster than real-time


Yes, you can change the self.dt value in GLSimulationPlugin to some other simulation time step. By default it is 0.02s per refresh.

Simulate faster than real-time



I wonder if there is a way to have my simulation run faster than real-time?
I am using a subclass of GLUINavigationProgram for my simulation window.

Thanks in advance.

Delete a rigid object on-the-fly


This is fairly safe to do... if you know what you’re doing. The simulation visualization might be messed up, somewhat, and the state saving and logging routines will definitely not work properly. But if you’re just simulating forward this should work just ...

Delete a rigid object on-the-fly


I have updated the ODESimulator class to provide a function to delete rigid objects from the simulation.

void ODESimulator::RemoveObject(ODERigidObject* object)
  for ( size_t i=0; i<objects.size(); ++i )
    if ( object == objects[i] )

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