Mark Greenwood

fatg3erman ·

Script monkey. If I had a shed it would run Linux.

Black screen after update

Going to need a lot more information.
It "shows an error" - what is the error?
What OS are you running it on?
What version of php?

Qobuz Enhancement

I was working on Qobuz while I had a free month's trial subscription, which has now expired :) Glad you find it useful.

The only place those might appear in RompR would be under Qobuz in the file browser. If they're not there then Mopidy-Qobuz-Hires is no...

Albums grouped by MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID?

No, the same album by the same artist is one album as far as rompr is concerned. It's primarily aimed at using online sources via Mopidy, and none of those return musicbrainz ids, they always use different titles for different versions of albums.

You migh...

ElegantGrey.css.js file missing


That is normal. Please don’t report things yoy see in the logs unless you’ve studied the code.


Gonna need a debug log to make any sense of that really.

Play queue

i'm not sure what this means. "Play all tracks from collection" will add all the tracks from that album to the play queue.

search tool and diacritics

So it looks like you're using MPD, the "only in music collection" option is only available for Mopidy and is not present for you - therefore MPD is doing the search, not RompR. RomoR is merely displaying the results that MPD returns.

I suggest you try a d...

installing dependencies broke wine on ubuntu 22.04 -- PHP Version??


This isn't the fault of the PHP modules. It's the fault of you using an unofficial external repository (wine PPA) which is supplying versions of modules that are out of sync with your base distribution. Such incompatibilities aren't uncommon when using PPA...

installing dependencies broke wine on ubuntu 22.04 -- PHP Version??


If you've got dependency issues with PPAs then that's a problem with the PPA, not RompR. I have no idea hiw to resolve that.

search tool and diacritics

Unlesz you are using the "Search only in Music Collection" option, the search is performed by MPD/mopidy, so this is not an issue with RompR

Consume/Repeat/Random modes

They are implemented. There's a drop down menu above the play queue.

Qobuz Support

I've taken advantage of Qobuz's month's free trial so I've just made a 2.09 release which has some basic support for Qobuz. You can build you collection from your Qobuz Favourite Albums (check the preferences panel). Adding tracks to the Collection...

Qobuz Support

I've had a little look at this.

It looks as though the other mopidy extension no longer works because Qobuz have closed off their API and won't permit extensions like that to be used. (They've even cancelled KODI, for example). The extension you're us...

Qobuz Support

OO, so I have no control over what search results the mopidy extension returns. If it only returns those then that's presumably how it's designed to work, or perhaps it's how qobuz's api works. Some extensions work differently depending if you use rompr'...

Qobuz Support

Out of interest does the search function is RompR find music from Qobuz? I can't see any reason why it shoudn't.

Qobuz Support

Too busy with life right now. Also it's 10 quid a month for a subscription that I'd need to test whether it works, so it's very unlikely I'll ever do it.

Searching with command F, and thoughts on skins.

Ah, that's because the desktop doesn't use the browser's native scrolling. Sorry, nothing I can do about that. I don't use it on the desktop skin because it's ugly.

Searching with command F, and thoughts on skins.

In an ideal world the tablet skin would still exist, but it was just too much work. Myself I only use phone and skypotato, but most people seem to prefer desktop so I reluctantly keep that.

Cmd-F is nothing to do with RompR, that's all in your browser. It...

Personalized radio by album


Version 2.06 (released today) contains an 'All Albums At Random' personalised radio.

Personalized radio by album


The closest it currently has is "Recently Added Albums" which will do what you want but only with albums added in the last 30 (?) days.

It's a good idea though, shouldn't be too hard to modify the existing one and create one that will play 'All Albums At ...

RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


OK, the collection update sets a value in the database and then clears that value when it finishes.

The fact it hadn't been cleared implies an earlier collection update exited prematurely. It might be a hangover from your previous setup. If it happens aga...

RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


When you update the collection it gets "locked" because having two updates running simultaneously would be a disaster. That message means the lock hasn't been released by an earlier Collection update.

Hmm. You can try the 'Clear Update Lock' thing I menti...

RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


I haven't tested this in a while, but

RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


Good, glad you got it sorted.

Yes the albumart folder works as a cache - I cache them in 3 different sizes because loading the full resolution images into the play queue or the Collection is very slow and inefficient, and can actually make mobile browse...

RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty


It's not easy to tell from that what the problem is but I can see that the backend isn't finding your albumart at all. I think it must be something odd to do with having changed web servers.

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’a...