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Database update question #8



When I update my database, am I updating dataase for all "Players/Server" or am I updating only for the currently enabled player?

  • solved #9
  • replies 13
  • views 9.6K
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The idea is that all players share the same database. This is limited slightly in that each instance of MPD/Mopidy also needs its own database of local files. There is some information in the docs about this.

Note that, because Mopidy and MPD use different URI schemes, all your players MUST be the same type -i.e. all Mopidy or all MPD. I don't actually check this at run time, but again it's in the docs.

If you use SqLite with Rompr then it will create a separate database for mpd and mopidy, but this is not possible if you use MySQL.

Ideally, you should never switch between Mopdiy and MPD players, this is not supported.

gerroon · Author


I actually have multiple Mpd and Mopidy instances for various things. FOr instance I have an Mpd instance just streams constantly, and I just listen to that one when I am out and have connection.

Given that you like Mopidy, Iw as trying to use Mopidy more often (with its glitches), so yeah I seem to have mixed bag situation. I will look into sqlite setup, hopefully in the docs.

Btw all my media points to the same folder on all Mpd/Mopidy instances, so maybe that is why I didn ot feel a major glitch

gerroon · Author


Ok I just browsed for the docs and I cant seem to find a way to do sqlite installation. Any quick tips on it?

I probbaly will use this setup mostly myself and couple other people, I do not need Mysql stuff, makes it hard to maintain as well.


SQLite is the default. If you haven't set up MySQL on the setup page (rompr/?setup) then you are using sqlite. If you are already using multiple mpd and mopidy instances and it works, then that suggests you are using sqlite.

gerroon · Author

Ok , that makes sense. I will try the sqlite to see if it will be nicer to use.

gerroon · Author

Btw where is the actual .sql file located? I cant locate it in the folder after started scanning. I disabled Mysql in the setup. Ahhhh never mind, I had to search with the name of the player!

gerroon · Author

Sorry to flood the forum.

But here is the issue. So If I use Sqlite, I assume that stars, wishlist, podcasts etc all will be individual to the player ? Not shared between players?


No. They will be shared between all players of the same type - i.e. all Mopidy players will have one db, all MPD players will have another.

gerroon accepted post #9 as the answer

You need to be clear what the purpose of multiple players is. It is to enable multi-room audio, so you can listen in any room but your ratings and playcounts always get updated globally. The idea is that you would have a computer in every room running mopidy and one central install of rompr. When you go into a room you choose the appropriate player and start playback. That is what it was designed for, using it for any other purpose is not supported.

gerroon · Author

Well that sounds cumbersome :) I use Snapcast with Mpd/Mopidy to play in multiple room, but I can see the purpose of having separate players for seperate content on them, which is similar to what do except that I do not individually call them as room players. I use one for outside listening (streams), one for office listening etc


Snapcast is synchronous. Rompr's multiple players allows you to listen to different hings in different rooms at the same time, sharing a database. I don't want the same music coming out in every room, it would drive me insane.

gerroon · Author

Sure, I get that. You can use Snapcast Android app the disable sound in other rooms, in case you consider it using it later.