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RompR 2.0 - Your music collection is empty #75


I have just set up a brand new install of RompR 2.0 (not an upgrade). The UI shows up brilliantly with all the pieces in place. However, updating the local collection completes while not detecting any song (quite odd since I have more than 4000 albums in my collection). I use MPD as the player. Cantata fully succeeds in reading all albums. Here follow the relevant MPD and RompR logs, as well as the debug info copied from the UI. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

May 31 12:04 : client: [66] opened from
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] process command "status"
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] command returned 0
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] process command "status"
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] command returned 0
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] process command "currentsong"
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] command returned 0
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] process command "replay_gain_status"
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] command returned 0
May 31 12:04 : client: [66] closed
May 31 12:04 : client: [67] opened from
May 31 12:04 : client: [67] process command "lsinfo """
May 31 12:04 : client: [67] command returned 0
May 31 12:04 : client: [67] closed

May 31 12:04:33 [424264] TRACE : COLLECTION : Memory Used is 773168
May 31 12:04:33 [424264] LOG : COLLECTION (logit) : Request is rebuild = yes
May 31 12:04:33 [330251] MARK : DIRBROWSER : Browsing
May 31 12:04:33 [424264] DEBUG : COLLECTION (update_collection) : Checking Nothing Else Is Running...
May 31 12:04:33 [424264] LOG : DATABASE (collectionUpdateRunning) : Collection Is Locked. Waiting...
May 31 12:04:33 [424264] WARN : COLLECTION : Something else is running, can't update Collection now

    • Version 2.00
    • System Linux MMServer 6.2.15-100.fc36.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu May 11 16:51:53 UTC 2023 x86_64
    • mysql_database [Redacted]
    • mysql_host [Redacted]
    • mysql_password [Redacted]
    • mysql_port [Redacted]
    • mysql_user [Redacted]
    • spotify_token [Redacted]
    • spotify_token_expires [Redacted]
    • PHP_SELF /utils/debuginfo.php
    • SERVER_NAME musicmaid.local
    • SERVER_SOFTWARE lighttpd/1.4.69
    • DOCUMENT_ROOT /home/RompR/rompr
    • HTTP_HOST musicmaid.local
    • HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0
    • SERVER_PORT 80
    • REQUEST_URI /utils/debuginfo.php
    • skin desktop
    • clickmode double
    • browser_id 1685466468348
    • sortcollectionby genre
    • actuallysortresultsby genre
    • sortbydate 1
    • currenthost Default
    • player_backend mpd
    • Version 8.1.18
    • mbstring 8.1.18
    • PDO 8.1.18
    • pdo_mysql
    • pdo_sqlite 8.1.18
    • curl 8.1.18
    • date 8.1.18
    • fileinfo 8.1.18
    • json 8.1.18
    • SimpleXML 8.1.18
    • GD 8.1.18
    • GD Info GD Version=2.3.3, FreeType Support=1, FreeType Linkage=with freetype, GIF Read Support=1, GIF Create Support=1, JPEG Support=1, PNG Support=1, WBMP Support=1, XPM Support=1, XBM Support=1, WebP Support=1, BMP Support=1, AVIF Support=1, TGA Read Support=1, JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support=
    • ImageMagick Installed
    • date.timezone global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • default_charset global_value=UTF-8, local_value=UTF-8, access=7
    • default_socket_timeout global_value=60, local_value=60, access=7
    • display_errors global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • error_log global_value=, local_value=, access=7
    • error_reporting global_value=22527, local_value=22527, access=7
    • file_uploads global_value=1, local_value=1, access=4
    • log_errors global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
    • max_execution_time global_value=1800, local_value=1800, access=7
    • mbstring.language global_value=neutral, local_value=neutral, access=7
    • memory_limit global_value=128M, local_value=128M, access=7
    • pdo_mysql.default_socket [NOT SET]
    • session.use_cookies global_value=1, local_value=1, access=7
    • upload_tmp_dir global_value=, local_value=, access=4
lighttpd  337715  0.0  0.5 282156 21704 ?        Sl   mai30   0:00 python3 /home/RompR/rompr/player/mpd/ --currenthost=Default --wsport=6680 --mpdhost=localhost --mpdport=6600
lighttpd  425877  0.0  0.8 351280 31616 ?        S    11:55   0:00 php /home/RompR/rompr/romonitor.php --currenthost Default
    • Connection Status Connection Successful
    • MPD Interface Version 0.23.5
    • config []
    • tagtypes {"tagtype":["Artist", "ArtistSort", "Album", "AlbumSort", "AlbumArtist", "AlbumArtistSort", "Title", "Track", "Name", "Genre", "Date", "OriginalDate", "Composer", "ComposerSort", "Performer", "Conductor", "Work", "Movement", "MovementNumber", "Ensemble", "Location", "Grouping", "Comment", "Disc", "Label", "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID", "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID", "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID", "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID", "MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID", "MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID", "BS1770_LKG", "BS1770_TP"]}
    • commands {"command":["add", "addid", "addtagid", "albumart", "binarylimit", "channels", "clear", "clearerror", "cleartagid", "close", "commands", "config", "consume", "count", "crossfade", "currentsong", "decoders", "delete", "deleteid", "delpartition", "disableoutput", "enableoutput", "find", "findadd", "getvol", "idle", "kill", "list", "listall", "listallinfo", "listfiles", "listmounts", "listpartitions", "listplaylist", "listplaylistinfo", "listplaylists", "load", "lsinfo", "mixrampdb", "mixrampdelay", "mount", "move", "moveid", "moveoutput", "newpartition", "next", "notcommands", "outputs", "outputset", "partition", "password", "pause", "ping", "play", "playid", "playlist", "playlistadd", "playlistclear", "playlistdelete", "playlistfind", "playlistid", "playlistinfo", "playlistmove", "playlistsearch", "plchanges", "plchangesposid", "previous", "prio", "prioid", "random", "rangeid", "readcomments", "readmessages", "readpicture", "rename", "repeat", "replay_gain_mode", "replay_gain_status", "rescan", "rm", "save", "search", "searchadd", "searchaddpl", "seek", "seekcur", "seekid", "sendmessage", "setvol", "shuffle", "single", "stats", "status", "sticker", "stop", "subscribe", "swap", "swapid", "tagtypes", "toggleoutput", "unmount", "unsubscribe", "update", "urlhandlers", "volume"]}
    • notcommands true
    • urlhandlers ["alsa://", "ftp://", "ftps://", "gopher://", "http://", "https://", "mms://", "mmsh://", "mmst://", "mmsu://", "scp://", "sftp://", "smb://"]
    • decoders {"plugin":["oggflac", "flac", "pcm"], "suffix":["ogg", "oga", "flac"], "mime_type":["application/ogg", "application/x-ogg", "audio/ogg", "audio/x-flac+ogg", "audio/x-ogg", "application/flac", "application/x-flac", "audio/flac", "audio/x-flac", "audio/L16", "audio/L24", "audio/x-mpd-float", "audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm", "audio/x-mpd-cdda-pcm-reverse", "audio/x-mpd-alsa-pcm"]}
    • rgbs {"r":201, "g":201, "b":201, "a":1}
    • interface_language fr-FR
    • music_directory_albumart /mnt/music
    • sortbycomposer false
    • composergenre false
    • composergenrename ["Classical"]
    • preferlocalfiles false
    • mopidy_collection_folders ["Local media"]
    • lastfm_country_code BE
    • country_userset true
    • debug_enabled 7
    • custom_logfile /var/log/rompr/rompr.log
    • cleanalbumimages false
    • do_not_show_prefs false
    • clear_update_lock false
    • load_plugins_at_loadtime false
    • beets_server_location
    • dev_mode false
    • live_mode false
    • use_mopidy_scan false
    • collection_load_timeout 3600000
    • smartradio_chunksize 5
    • linkchecker_nextrun 01/01/1970 01:00:00
    • link_checker_frequency 604800
    • link_checker_is_running false
    • audiobook_directory
    • collection_player null
    • snapcast_server
    • snapcast_port 1705
    • snapcast_http 1780
    • http_port_for_mopidy 6680
    • multihosts {"Default":{"host":"localhost", "port":"6600", "password":"", "socket":"", "mopidy_remote":false, "do_consume":false, "websocket":"musicmaid.local:6680/", "websocket_port":"6680", "radioparams":{"radiomode":"", "radioparam":"", "radioconsume":[], "radiodomains":["local", "spotify", "youtube", "ytmusic"], "toptracks_current":1, "toptracks_total":1}}}
    • old_style_sql false
    • auto_audiobook [""]
    • backend_version 2.00
    • spotify_mark_unplayable false
    • consume_workaround false
    • we_do_consume false
    • smartradio_clearfirst true
    • collection_type sqlite
    • displaycomposer true
    • artistsatstart ["Various Artists", "Soundtracks"]
    • nosortprefixes ["The"]
    • sync_lastfm_playcounts false
    • sync_lastfm_at_start false
    • next_lastfm_synctime 01/01/1970 01:00:00
    • lastfm_sync_frequency 86400
    • lfm_importer_start_offset 0
    • lfm_importer_last_import 0
    • hide_master_volume false
    • alarm_ramptime 30
    • alarm_snoozetime 8
    • communityradioorderby name
    • default_podcast_display_mode 0
    • default_podcast_refresh_mode 4
    • default_podcast_sort_mode 0
    • podcast_mark_new_as_unlistened false
    • podcast_sort_levels 4
    • podcast_sort_0 Title
    • podcast_sort_1 Artist
    • podcast_sort_2 Category
    • podcast_sort_3 new
    • lastversionchecked 1.00
    • lastversionchecktime 27/04/55380 09:43:08
    • use_original_releasedate true
    • chartoption 0
    • lastfm_user
    • autotagname
    • lastfm_logged_in false
    • lastfm_scrobbling false
    • scrobblepercent 50
    • use_mopidy_search false
    • last_lastfm_synctime 1685529371
    • currenthost Default
    • player_backend mpd
    • browser_id 1685466468348
    • clickmode double
    • skin desktop
    • sortbydate 1
    • notvabydate false
    • collectionrange 0
    • sortcollectionby genre
    • sortresultsby sameas
    • actuallysortresultsby genre
    • alarmindex null
    • sleeptime 30
    • snooze null
    • tradsearch false
    • lastfm_autocorrect false
    • sourceshidden false
    • playlisthidden false
    • infosource file
    • sourceswidthpercent 18.854166666666668
    • playlistwidthpercent 25
    • downloadart false
    • chooser albumlist
    • hide_albumlist false
    • hide_filelist false
    • hide_radiolist false
    • hide_podcastslist true
    • hide_playlistslist false
    • hide_audiobooklist true
    • hide_searcher false
    • hide_pluginplaylistslist false
    • hidebrowser false
    • shownupdatewindow 2.00
    • scrolltocurrent true
    • lastfmlang interface
    • synctags false
    • synclovevalue 0
    • theme BrushedAluminium.css
    • icontheme Modern-Dark
    • coversize 64
    • fontsize 11
    • fontfamily Nunito.css
    • displayresultsas collection
    • crossfade_duration 5
    • newradiocountry countries/GB
    • updateeverytime true
    • fullbiobydefault true
    • mopidy_search_domains ["local", "spotify"]
    • outputsvisible false
    • wheelscrollspeed 150
    • displayremainingtime true
    • cdplayermode false
    • auto_discovembobulate false
    • sleepon false
    • sortwishlistby artist
    • player_in_titlebar true
    • use_albumart_in_playlist true
    • bgimgparms {"dummy":"baby", "Numismatist.css":{"timeout":60000, "lastchange":1685466468356, "random":false, "position":"top left"}, "BrushedAluminium.css":{"timeout":60000, "lastchange":1685466892573, "random":false, "position":"top left"}}
    • playlistbuttons_isopen false
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    • advsearchoptions_isopen false
    • podcastbuttons_isopen false
    • somafm_quality highest_available_quality
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    • bgdrgbs {"r":0, "g":0, "b":0, "a":0}
    • collectionconbuttons_isopen true
  • replies 21
  • views 986
  • likes 0

I haven't used lighthttpd and I'm not sure rompr will work with it, but what you can try is point your browser at rompr/?setup, tick 'Clear Update Lock', then OK, and try again.

If that doesn't work then I suspect that lighthttpd doesn't support process detaching, that rompr needs to build the collection. In that case your only solution is to use apache or, preferably, nginx.


It also appears from the debug info that rompr_backend isn't running, which would also be a consequence of a lack of process detaching. This will definitely cause issues.

jymyj · Author

I replaced lighttpd with nginx, but the situation is even worse... no UI on the screen, only a blank page like no php processing occurred. Here are the relevant logs of php-fpm, which seem to point to a permission issue although the nginx user is the owner of the prefs directory.

[01-Jun-2023 14:26:03 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: error_log(/var/log/rompr/rompr.log): Failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/RompR/rompr/includes/logger.class.php on line 72
[01-Jun-2023 14:26:03 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: fopen(prefs/prefs.lock): Failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/RompR/rompr/includes/prefs.class.php on line 336
[01-Jun-2023 14:26:03 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: fclose(): Argument #1 ($stream) must be of type resource, bool given in /home/RompR/rompr/includes/prefs.class.php:337
Stack trace:
#0 /home/RompR/rompr/includes/prefs.class.php(337): fclose()
#1 /home/RompR/rompr/includes/prefs.class.php(394): prefs::lock_prefs()
#2 /home/RompR/rompr/includes/prefs.class.php(425): prefs::save_prefs_file()
#3 /home/RompR/rompr/includes/prefs.class.php(625): prefs::save()
#4 /home/RompR/rompr/includes/vars.php(65): prefs::early_prefs_update()
#5 /home/RompR/rompr/index.php(9): require_once('...')
#6 {main}
thrown in /home/RompR/rompr/includes/prefs.class.php on line 337


Yeah that's definitely a permissions issue. The ownership needs to be the same user as php-fpm - which should be the same as nginx but might not be on your system I guess. Also note that applies to the prefs directory and all its contents, recursively.

jymyj · Author

This is it! Nginx replacing lighttpd and, under Fedora, the following adjustments make things right:

  • Where the "nginx" user should be owner of a file, make the "apache" user the owner instead (this is because php-fpm runs as the "apache" user by default).
  • fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/www.sock;

However, covers do not show in the UI and the RompR logs do not report anything wrong about it (Imagemagick is installed). The php-fpm error logs do not report anything. Something even odder is the fact that the covers showed with lighttpd.


Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] MARK : Default : Player State Has Changed from play to play
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] INFO : Default : Played more than 95% of song. Incrementing playcount
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] MARK : FIND ITEM : Looking for item When I Get To Thinking
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] LOG : FIND ITEM (find_item) : Trying by albumartist Muddy Waters album Muddy Waters Sings "Big Bill" title When I Get To Thinking track number 3
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] INFO : METADATA : Found TTindex 32064
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] LOG : INC (checkLastPlayed) : Setting lastplayed to 2023-06-02 12:34:53
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] TRACE : INC (inc) : Doing an INCREMENT action - Found TTID 32064
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] LOG : INC (inc) : (Increment) Setting Playcount to 1 on 32064
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] LOG : INCREMENT (increment_value) : Not incrementing Playcount for TTindex 32064 because current value 1 is >= new value 1
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] TRACE : METADATA (up_next_hack_for_audiobooks) : Doing Audiobook Up Next Hack for TTID 32064
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] LOG : Default (get_current_song_status) : Status : Songid is 10 Elapsed is 0.374
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] LOG : MPD (parse_list_output) : MPD Parse currentsong
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] DEBUG : ALBUMIMAGE (image_already_downloaded) : Checking if image exists for Muddy Waters Muddy Waters Sings "Big Bill"
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] MARK : FIND ITEM : Looking for item Just A Dream (On My Mind)
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] LOG : FIND ITEM (find_item) : Trying by albumartist Muddy Waters album Muddy Waters Sings "Big Bill" title Just A Dream (On My Mind) track number 4
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] INFO : METADATA : Found TTindex 32065
Jun 02 12:34:53 [613374] INFO : Default : Status : Duration is 153 Current Playcount is 0


You probably need to check the ownership of the albumart folder and its contents

jymyj · Author

The permissions are right. More importantly, I configured RompR to use mine. Therefore it should search in the music folder.


It still needs write access to the albumart folder and everything underneath it, it only scans your local images once. Can you send me the debug information again now that you've switched to nginx.


The other thing, the php-fpm log isn't the correct place to look for PHP errors (unless Fedora does things a very weird way). You need the nginx error log. On Ubuntu that would be at /var/log/nginx/error.log

jymyj · Author

Here is the nginx error log. I have also included a complete trace of the browser (Firefox) interaction with the RompR app. It shows that the browser fails loading pictures. That is the same situation with another browser. But it succeeded with lighttpd. Therefore I am wondering whether it could not be a mime-type issue. Is there any setting to complete with the nginx mime.types config file?

nginx log
2023/06/03 12:07:24 [warn] 525251#525251: *952 an upstream response is buffered to a temporary file /var/lib/nginx/tmp/fastcgi/3/00/0000000003 while reading upstream, client:, server: musicmaid.local, request: "GET /rompr/api/collection/?item=aartistroot&_=1685786795711 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/run/php-fpm/www.sock:", host: "musicmaid.local", referrer: "http://musicmaid.local/rompr/index.php?force_restart=1"

Mozilla log
InstallTrigger est obsolète et sera supprimé prochainement. constants.js:50:14
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2 jquery-migrate-3.3.2.min.js:2:709
12:06:35 : INIT Prefs Have Been Loaded debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : UI IntersectionObserver is present and being used debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PREFS Clearing Custom background debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Alarm Clock debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Sleep Timer debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : HOTKEYS Plugin adding key binding button_sleep debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin file icon-library debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin lastfm icon-lastfm-1 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin wikipedia icon-wikipedia debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin musicbrainz icon-musicbrainz debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin discogs icon-discogs debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin lyrics icon-doc-text-1 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin soundcloud icon-soundcloud-circled debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin spotify icon-spotify-circled debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Found plugin videos icon-video debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SHORTCUTS Loading Key Bindings debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickalbummenu debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clicktrackmenu debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for addtollviabrowse debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for removefromll debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for addtocollectionviabrowse debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for amendalbum debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for setasaudiobook debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for setasmusiccollection debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for usetrackimages debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for unusetrackimages debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for fakedouble debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for closepopup debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for removeafter debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickqueuetracks debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickplayfromhere debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickremdb debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickpltrack debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for removealbum debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for youtubedl debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for youtubedl_all debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickdeleteplaylisttrack debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickdeleteplaylist debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickdeleteuserplaylist debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickrenameplaylist debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CLICKHANDLER Adding handler for clickrenameuserplaylist debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : VERSIONS 2.00 2.00 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox player_in_titlebar true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_master_volume false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_albumlist false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_searcher false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_filelist true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_radiolist false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_podcastslist true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_audiobooklist true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_playlistslist false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hide_pluginplaylistslist false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox hidebrowser false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox scrolltocurrent true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox displaycomposer true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox use_albumart_in_playlist true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox cdplayermode false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox downloadart false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox use_original_releasedate true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox updateeverytime true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox sortbycomposer false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox composergenre false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox podcast_mark_new_as_unlistened false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox lastfm_autocorrect false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox sync_lastfm_playcounts false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox sync_lastfm_at_start false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox lastfm_scrobbling false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox synctags false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox sortbydate 1 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox notvabydate false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox tradsearch false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Checkbox smartradio_clearfirst true debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Radio currenthost_duplicate0 Default debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SETPREFS Radio clickmode double debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin The Discoverator debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Top 40 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Recently Played Tracks debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin View Your Wishlist debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Albums To Listen To debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Metadata Backup debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin OPML Importer debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Last.FM Playcount Importer debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Import Ratings from Cantata debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Manage Background Images debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin About RompЯ debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLUGINS Setting up Plugin Debug Information debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SLEEPHELPER Adding Wake Helper updateStatus debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : INIT Starting init task connect_to_player debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER Initialising debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : alsa debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : ftp debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : ftps debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : gopher debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : http debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : https debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : mms debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : mmsh debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : mmst debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : mmsu debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : scp debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : sftp debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER URI Handler : smb debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin starRadios debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin customRadio debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin recommendationsRadio debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin faveArtistRadio debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin mixRadio debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin singleArtistRadio debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin genreRadio debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin lastFMTrackRadio debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RADIO MANAGER Activating Plugin lastFMArtistRadio debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:06:36 : PREFS Custom Background Image
Object { landscape: null, portrait: null }
12:06:36 : PREFS Post UI Change actions debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : ALARMS
Array [ {…} ]
12:06:36 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:06:36 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : CUSTOMRADIO Key Changed To null debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYLIST Starting update request 0 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER State Change Check. State is pause Elapsed is 114.475 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER Calling state change callback for state pause 2 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : INFOBAR Setting Play Button State debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : MPD Player is ready debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : INFOBAR Creating notification Connected to Default (Mpd at musicmaid.local:6600/6680) debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SEARCHMANAGER Adding Plugin playersearch local debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : INIT Starting init task start_userinterface debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : INIT Starting init task checkCollection debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : COLLECTION checking collection. collection_status is 0 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : COLLECTION Updating Collection due to preference debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : GENERAL We are going to update the collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER Scanning Files With update on mpd debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYER Command List
Array [ (1) […] ]
12:06:36 : ALARMS
Array [ {…} ]
12:06:36 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:06:36 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:06:36 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYLIST Got Playlist from backend for request 0 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : COVERSCRAPER Checking for default image
Object { artist: "McGhee (Brownie)", album: "Blues", mbid: "", albumpath: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues", albumuri: null, imgkey: "64c8d324b810037008ab9e865ded6b00", type: "local", cb: updateImages(data) }
12:06:36 : COVERSCRAPER Checking for default image
Object { artist: "Muddy Waters", album: 'Muddy Waters Sings "Big Bill"', mbid: "", albumpath: "Muddy Waters/Muddy Waters sings Big Bill", albumuri: null, imgkey: "f9fee854f49679a49326aff6bb5d3d77", type: "local", cb: updateImages(data) }
12:06:36 : COLLECTION Loading Images In sortable debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SCOOTING Scooting albums in sortable took 0 ms debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYLIST Doing Upcoming Crap 0 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYLIST Upcoming list is
Array [ {…}, {…} ]
12:06:36 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check null debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYLIST Looking For Current Track 1 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYLIST Found current track debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : NOWPLAYING New Info
Object { file: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues/02 - Good Morning Blues.flac", domain: "local", type: "local", station: null, stream: null, folder: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues", Title: "Good Morning Blues", Album: "Blues", Artist: (1) […], Track: "2", … }
12:06:36 : INFOBAR NPinfo
Object { file: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues/02 - Good Morning Blues.flac", domain: "local", type: "local", station: null, stream: null, folder: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues", Title: "Good Morning Blues", Album: "Blues", Artist: (1) […], Track: "2", … }
12:06:36 : INFOBAR Doing Track Things
Object { file: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues/02 - Good Morning Blues.flac", domain: "local", type: "local", station: null, stream: null, folder: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues", Title: "Good Morning Blues", Album: "Blues", Artist: (1) […], Track: "2", … }
12:06:36 : INFOBAR Now Playing Info
Object { Title: "Good Morning Blues", Artist: "McGhee (Brownie)", Album: "Blues", stream: null }
12:06:36 : ALBUMPICTURE Setting Image Key to 64c8d324b810037008ab9e865ded6b00 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : ALBUMPICTURE New source
Object { file: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues/02 - Good Morning Blues.flac", domain: "local", type: "local", station: null, stream: null, folder: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues", Title: "Good Morning Blues", Album: "Blues", Artist: (1) […], Track: "2", … }
current is debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : ALBUMPICTURE Source is being set to null debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : NOWPLAYING New Track:
Object { file: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues/02 - Good Morning Blues.flac", domain: "local", type: "local", station: null, stream: null, folder: "McGhee (Brownie)/Blues", Title: "Good Morning Blues", Album: "Blues", Artist: (1) […], Track: "2", … }
12:06:36 : NOWPLAYING Setting Artist McGhee (Brownie) index 0 to nowplayingindex 1 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : TRACKDATA 1 Starting collection ratings debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : RATINGS PLUGIN Creating data collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : DB QUEUE New request
Array [ {…} ]
12:06:36 : TRACKDATA 1 Starting collection file debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : FILE PLUGIN Creating data collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SBLAYOUT
Object { title: "Good Morning Blues", type: "track", source: "file" }
12:06:36 : BROWSER Incoming null
Object { nowplayingindex: 1, source: "file", special: {} }
Object { artist: true, album: false, track: false }
false debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Displaying artist debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : NOWPLAYING Getting layout artist file 1 undefined debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Displaying album debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : NOWPLAYING Getting layout album file 1 undefined debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : BROWSER Displaying track debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : NOWPLAYING Getting layout track file 1 undefined debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : TRACKDATA 1 Doing Artist Choices 0 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYLIST Doing Upcoming Crap 0 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PLAYLIST Upcoming list is
Array(7) [ {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…} ]
12:06:36 : LAYOUT Scrolling Playlist To Song: 1 debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SLEEPHELPER Adding Wake Helper initialise debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : SLEEPHELPER Adding Wake Helper update_on_wake debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : ALBUMPICTURE Image Failed To Load null debug.js:53:34
12:06:36 : PREFS Theme BrushedAluminium.css does not have a manager script debug.js:53:34
12:06:37 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:06:37 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:37 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:06:37 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:06:38 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:39 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:40 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:41 : INFOBAR Removing notification 1 debug.js:53:34
12:06:41 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:42 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:43 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:44 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:45 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:46 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:46 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:06:46 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:06:47 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:48 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:49 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:50 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:51 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:52 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:53 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:54 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:55 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:56 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:56 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:06:56 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:06:57 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:58 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:06:59 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:00 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:01 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:02 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:03 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:04 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:05 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:06 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:06 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:07:07 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:07:07 : GENERAL Still updating collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:07 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:07:07 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:07:08 : GENERAL Player rescan is complete debug.js:53:34
12:07:08 : GENERAL Initiating Collection Rebuild debug.js:53:34
12:07:08 : GENERAL Collection Rebuild has Started. Polling From Here. debug.js:53:34
12:07:08 : UPDATE
Object { current: "Preparing..." }
12:07:09 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni/Trio Sonatas op. 1
4178 folders remaining" }
12:07:10 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Bach, Johann Sebastian/Concertos
4069 folders remaining" }
12:07:11 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Barber, Samuel/Songs by Samuel Barber
3994 folders remaining" }
12:07:12 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Brahms (Johannes)/Liebeslieder [op. 52, 64 & 65]
3813 folders remaining" }
12:07:13 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Cole (Nat ''King'')/After Midnight
3486 folders remaining" }
12:07:14 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Fleetwood Mac/Greatest Hits 1971
2983 folders remaining" }
12:07:15 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Hawkins (Coleman)/All Stars
2713 folders remaining" }
12:07:16 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Malia/Yellow Daffodils
2042 folders remaining" }
12:07:17 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:07:17 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:07:17 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Murphy (Elliott)/Coming home again
1620 folders remaining" }
12:07:18 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Rameau, Jean-Philippe/Symphonies à deux clavecins
1210 folders remaining" }
12:07:19 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Shostakovich (Dmitry)/Symphonies N° 1 & 15 [Valery Gergiev]
887 folders remaining" }
12:07:20 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Various Artists/La Voix de l'Emotion
339 folders remaining" }
12:07:22 : UPDATE
Object { current: " Scanning Folder Vivaldi (Antonio)/Ottone in villa RV 729
146 folders remaining" }
12:07:23 : UPDATE
Object { current: "RompR Is Done" }
12:07:24 : GENERAL Collection Update Finished debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : INFOBAR Creating notification Music Collection Updated debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : INFOBAR Removing notification 2 debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : GENERAL Loading Collection from URL api/collection/?item=aartistroot debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : GENERAL Collection Loaded debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : COLLECTION Loading Images In collection debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : SCOOTING Scooting albums in collection took 0 ms debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : INIT Starting init task load_podcasts debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : DOMENU Loading from api/podcasts/?populate=1 debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : DB QUEUE Handling Request
Object { data: (1) […], success: populate(data), fail: populate(data) }
12:07:24 : COLLECTION Loading Images In fruitbat debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : SCOOTING Scooting albums in fruitbat took 1 ms debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : SLEEPHELPER Adding Wake Helper checkIfSomeoneElseHasUpdatedStuff debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : INIT Starting init task open_discoverator debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : INIT Starting init task load_playlists debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : DOMENU Loading from player/utils/loadplaylists.php debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : DB QUEUE Request Success
Object { data: (1) […], success: populate(data), fail: populate(data) }

Object { Rating: 0, Playcount: 1, LastTime: 1685707632, DateAdded: 1685699006, Tags: [], isSearchResult: 0, Hidden: 0, Last: 1685707632 }
12:07:24 : FILEINFO Re-displaying debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : COLLECTION Loading Images In storedplaylists debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : SCOOTING Scooting albums in storedplaylists took 0 ms debug.js:53:34
12:07:24 : INIT Starting init task uiLoginBind debug.js:53:34
12:07:27 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:07:27 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:07:29 : INFOBAR Removing notification 3 debug.js:53:34
12:07:36 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:07:36 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:07:36 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:07:37 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:07:37 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:07:37 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:07:37 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:07:47 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:07:47 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:07:57 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:07:57 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:08:07 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:08:07 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:08:07 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:08:07 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:08:17 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:08:22 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:08:32 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:08:36 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:08:36 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:08:36 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:08:37 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:08:38 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:08:44 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:08:54 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:09:08 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:09:08 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:09:16 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:09:26 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:09:36 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:09:36 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:09:36 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:09:38 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:09:38 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:10:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:10:08 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:10:08 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:10:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:10:36 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:10:36 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:10:36 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:10:38 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:10:38 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:11:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:11:08 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:11:08 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:11:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:11:36 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:11:36 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:11:36 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:11:38 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:11:38 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:12:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:12:08 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:12:08 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:12:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:12:33 : SLEEPHELPER Browser tab is hidden debug.js:53:34
12:12:35 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Sleep Mode Helper browser_sleep debug.js:53:34
12:12:35 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Sleep Mode Helper close 2 debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:12:35 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Sleep Mode Helper stopPolling debug.js:53:34
La connexion avec ws://musicmaid.local:6680/ a été interrompue pendant le chargement de la page. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:12:35 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:12:45 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:13:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:13:16 : SLEEPHELPER Browser tab is visible debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper populate_alarms debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper pollState debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper updateStatus debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper initialise debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper update_on_wake debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper checkIfSomeoneElseHasUpdatedStuff debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : PODCASTS Checking if someone else has updated stuff debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : ALARMS
Array [ {…} ]
12:13:17 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:13:17 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : PODCASTS Checking for updated podcasts debug.js:53:34
12:13:17 : PODCASTS
Array []
12:13:18 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:13:18 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:13:48 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:13:48 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:14:02 : SLEEPHELPER Browser tab is hidden debug.js:53:34
12:14:04 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Sleep Mode Helper browser_sleep debug.js:53:34
12:14:04 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Sleep Mode Helper close 2 debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:14:04 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Sleep Mode Helper stopPolling debug.js:53:34
12:14:04 : SLEEPHELPER Browser tab is visible debug.js:53:34
La connexion avec ws://musicmaid.local:6680/ a été interrompue pendant le chargement de la page. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:14:04 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper populate_alarms debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper pollState debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper updateStatus debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper initialise debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper update_on_wake debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : SLEEPHELPER Calling Wake Mode Helper checkIfSomeoneElseHasUpdatedStuff debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : PODCASTS Checking if someone else has updated stuff debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : ALARMS
Array [ {…} ]
12:14:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:14:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : PODCASTS Checking for updated podcasts debug.js:53:34
12:14:05 : PODCASTS
Array []
12:14:05 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:14:05 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:14:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:14:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34












































Sélecteur attendu. Jeu de règles ignoré suite à un mauvais sélecteur. get_css.php:174:1
Propriété « -moz-osx-font-smoothing » inconnue. Déclaration abandonnée. get_css.php:2553:26
Erreur d’analyse de la valeur pour « -webkit-text-size-adjust ». Déclaration abandonnée. get_css.php:2564:28
12:14:35 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:14:35 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:15:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:15:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:15:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:15:05 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:15:05 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34

Transfert0 o (taille 0 o)

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:15:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:15:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:15:35 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:15:35 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:16:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:16:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:16:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:16:05 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:16:05 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:16:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:16:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:16:35 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:16:36 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:17:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:17:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:17:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:17:06 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:17:06 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:17:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:17:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:17:36 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:17:36 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:18:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:18:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:18:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:18:06 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:18:06 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:18:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:18:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:18:36 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:18:36 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:19:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:19:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:19:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:19:06 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:19:06 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:19:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:19:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:19:36 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:19:36 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:20:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:20:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:20:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34
12:20:06 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:20:06 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:20:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:20:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:20:36 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:20:36 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:21:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:21:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:21:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:21:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:21:06 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:21:06 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:21:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:21:36 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:21:36 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:22:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:22:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:22:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:22:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:22:06 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:22:06 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:22:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34
12:22:36 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:22:36 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:23:05 : SLEEPTIMER Polling debug.js:53:34
12:23:05 : SLEEPTIMER
Object { sleeptime: 0, timeset: 0, state: 0 }
12:23:05 : PREFS Setting sleepon to false in local storage debug.js:53:34

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:23:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34
12:23:06 : PLAYER Command List
Array []
12:23:06 : RADIOMANAGER Status Check debug.js:53:34
12:23:16 : PLAYERWEB Connecting Socket to musicmaid.local:6680/ debug.js:53:34


It's not easy to tell from that what the problem is but I can see that the backend isn't finding your albumart at all. I think it must be something odd to do with having changed web servers.

Firefox ne peut établir de connexion avec le serveur à l’adresse ws://musicmaid.local:6680/. checkprogress.js:91:13
12:22:06 : PLAYERWEB Socket was closed debug.js:53:34

This implies that the MPD websocket server isn't running and that might also have something to do with it.

What I suggest is simply to delete your prefs and albumart folders, recreate them (with correct permissions) and start again.

If that doesn't work then I need to see the debug information from the info panel plugin, the rompr log, and the nginx error log as that is where PHP errors will be. It's actually easier for me if you don't use a custom logfile for rompr, keep that blank and all romprs debug will go to the nginx error log, same as the PHP errors - then I can see everything together as it happens.

jymyj · Author

The problem was actually the prefs folder. Albumarts now load fine! Many thanks for your kind and efficient support. One last point: I noticed that all the covers are copied in the albumart folder (for caching purposes I guess); will a copy be refreshed if an image in the collection changes?


Good, glad you got it sorted.

Yes the albumart folder works as a cache - I cache them in 3 different sizes because loading the full resolution images into the play queue or the Collection is very slow and inefficient, and can actually make mobile browsers crash.

If you change an image in your collection you can use the Albumart Manager to update it - click the album image and choose 'Local Files' to select the new one.

jymyj · Author

I have in mind to write a systemd service that would run periodically to detect changes in the collection and then update the RompR covers cache. Is it possible to proceed so through the API?

jymyj · Author

The cron job has been installed but everytime it runs the following string appears at the standard output: Already Updating Collection!
The RompR log follows. I digged a bit inside the code but the simple_query method of the data_base class is quite obscure to me.

RompR log
Jun 07 15:00:01 [957] TRACE : COLLECTION : Memory Used is 980024
Jun 07 15:00:01 [957] LOG : COLLECTION (logit) : Request is rebuild = yes
Jun 07 15:00:01 [957] DEBUG : COLLECTION (update_collection) : Checking Nothing Else Is Running...
Jun 07 15:00:01 [957] LOG : DATABASE (collectionUpdateRunning) : Collection Is Locked. Waiting...
Jun 07 15:00:01 [957] WARN : COLLECTION : Something else is running, can't update Collection now
Jun 07 15:00:01 [957] INFO : LANGUAGE : Loading Translations


When you update the collection it gets "locked" because having two updates running simultaneously would be a disaster. That message means the lock hasn't been released by an earlier Collection update.

Hmm. You can try the 'Clear Update Lock' thing I mentioned above. Other than that I can't reproduce this. There does seem to be something odd still going on with your setup.

jymyj · Author

I did as you asked and the result looks different :
Since the collection.sq3 file’s timestamp matches the cron job execution time, I gess it worked.
What is the mechanism that you use to keep track of an already running update job ? Is there a file somewhere ?


OK, the collection update sets a value in the database and then clears that value when it finishes.

The fact it hadn't been cleared implies an earlier collection update exited prematurely. It might be a hangover from your previous setup. If it happens again then I'll need a debug log of the actual collection update.

jymyj · Author

However I am a bit concerned because a process could always be killed for some reasons, and therefore it would leave the database in "locked" state. Is there any mean to proceed with a 'Clear Update Lock' directly via the API (not via the setup page)?


Not sure if this will help anyone by I am running the following script at boot for automatic collection updates with mpd:

NOW=`date +'%s'`
LASTRUN=`date +'%s'`
PAST=`date +'%s'`
echo starting $NOW
while [ 1 == 1 ]; do
    echo "Starting idle loop"
    while mpc idle database; do
	NOW=`date +'%s'`
        curl -b "currenthost=Default;player_backend=mpd" http://localhost/rompr/api/collection/?rebuild=yes > /dev/null
	PAST=`date +'%s'`
    sleep 5