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update music collection never finished #57


last version MPD, last version RompR.

update music collection never finished, last logs records, before stacking:

.[90m12:41:39 [2551] TRACE : .[31mBACKEND           (create_new_album)        : Created Album Nova with Albumindex 13342.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] CORE  : .[31mSQL_PREPARE       0=, 1=, 2=Artistindex, 3=, 4=SELECT Artistindex FROM Artisttable WHERE LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?), 5=????? ..???.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] CORE  : .[31mSQL_PREPARE       0=1, 1=, 2=, 3=, 4=INSERT INTO
                                (Albumname, AlbumArtistindex, AlbumUri, Year, Searched, ImgKey, mbid, Domain, Image)
                                (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?), 5=??? ??????, 6=18738, 7=, 8=1996, 9=0, 10=cbc876ff0b82bdee6feeccdd4c402818, 11=, 12=local, 13=.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] TRACE : .[31mBACKEND           (create_new_album)        : Created Album ??? ?????? with Albumindex 13343.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] CORE  : .[31mSQL_PREPARE       0=, 1=, 2=Artistindex, 3=, 4=SELECT Artistindex FROM Artisttable WHERE LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?), 5=????? ..???.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] CORE  : .[31mSQL_PREPARE       0=1, 1=, 2=, 3=, 4=INSERT INTO
                                (Albumname, AlbumArtistindex, AlbumUri, Year, Searched, ImgKey, mbid, Domain, Image)
                                (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?), 5=?????, 6=18738, 7=, 8=1997, 9=0, 10=7d7c6d91b33c1773b43a0556fd28fa6e, 11=, 12=local, 13=.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] TRACE : .[31mBACKEND           (create_new_album)        : Created Album ????? with Albumindex 13344.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] CORE  : .[31mSQL_PREPARE       0=, 1=, 2=Artistindex, 3=, 4=SELECT Artistindex FROM Artisttable WHERE LOWER(Artistname) = LOWER(?), 5=????? ..???.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] CORE  : .[31mSQL_PREPARE       0=1, 1=, 2=, 3=, 4=INSERT INTO
                                (Albumname, AlbumArtistindex, AlbumUri, Year, Searched, ImgKey, mbid, Domain, Image)
                                (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?), 5=???, 6=18738, 7=, 8=2000, 9=0, 10=b6887cfffbc05b192093001f5e0e47ce, 11=, 12=local, 13=.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] TRACE : .[31mBACKEND           (create_new_album)        : Created Album ??? with Albumindex 13345.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] ERROR : .[31mMYSQL ERROR                                 : AAAGH! :  : .[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] ERROR : .[31mSTMT ERROR                                  : AAAGH! : 1366 : Incorrect string value: '\xC1\xB3?? ?...' for column 'Title' at row 1.[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] CORE  : .[31mMPD               (close_mpd_connection)    : Closing Connection for 0.42321200 1615466070.[0m
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victor910 · Author

anybody help with this?

error definitely in this part:

.[90m12:41:39 [2551] ERROR : .[31mMYSQL ERROR                                 : AAAGH! :  : .[0m
.[90m12:41:39 [2551] ERROR : .[31mSTMT ERROR                                  : AAAGH! : 1366 : Incorrect string value: '\xC1\xB3?? ?...' for column 'Title' at row 1.[0m

Looks like you have some peculiar characters in your track titles and the database can't understand them. Are yiu using Sqlite or MySQL? Whichever one, try the other one.

And what's with "Created Album ??? ?????" In the log? Is that really the title of the album?

victor910 · Author

first, thanks for the answer.
I had to use MySQL.
The title is normal, the symbol "????" present in logs as well in "music collection". I will try Sqlite and let you know.

victor910 · Author

I have the wrong setting, all fixed already.
Can I know the real difference between MySQL and SQLite in Rompr functionality?


There is no difference in functionality. For some people with very large collections MySQL performs better but I always recommend SQLite as MySQL can have trouble handling certain character sets, as you have duscovered.

victor910 · Author

I have a large collection when I have updated the collection Sqlite finished 5 times! faster compared to Mysql.