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Looking for good advice in playing Personalised Radio from my collection #40


Hello, I used the docker variant as base to install RompR.
I configured snapcast and mopidy and let RompR scan my music files. All other settings left to defaults.

If I navigate to Personalised Radion and choose "All Tracks At Random" nothing happens, a playlist is not generated. I enabled loglevel 7 but there is no output at all in the nginx errer.log file.
For the sake of completeness - none of the links in "Music FromYour Collection" work for me.

On the other hand if I choose a genre in the corresponding input field and press "Play" a playlist is generated and all works as expected. This is also true for "Tracks by Artis".

My question is: what am I doing wrong here?

Thank you for your advice.

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Is there anything actually shown in the Music Collection tab in RompR?

Is Mopidy-Local installed and configured correctly?

Have you run 'mopidy local scan' on the machine where Mopidy is running?

If there's nothing in the nginx log file then you're looking at the wrong log file :) I don't know how the docker image sets it up so I'm afraid I can't help there.


The other thing that occurs to me, and sorry if this sounds patronising, but you do have to double click on 'All Tracks At Random' etc to make them play...


Okay - a double click makes RompR start calculations for the playlist but this always ends with a no songs found message.
I captured a log while double clicking on 'All Tracks At Random'. Please find the log here: logs

Additionally to answer your questions:
The Music Collection tab shows my collection as expected.
Mopidy-Local is installed and I've run 'mopidy local scan'. I can see my albums in mopidy (iris).


This appears to be the problem:

2020/09/15 13:07:34 [error] 20#20: *2998 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /app/rompr/backends/sql/metadatafunctions.php on line 1052" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "POST /backends/sql/userRatings.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock:", host: "dietpi:81", referrer: "http://dietpi:81/index.php"

However, I don't know which version the docker image is using, and that line number makes no sense when I look at the current release.

Could you attach a copy of rompr/backends/sql/metadatafunctions.php from your installation?



Since the docker image does not use the latest release I cloned from github and replaced "ROMPR_VERSION=1.33" with "ROMPR_VERSION=1.48" in the Dockerfile.

Attached metadatafunctions.php


This is one of those 'How on earth did that get through?' moments.

These lines, at line 1052 of that file

foreach ($tags as $t) {
    logger::log('GETALLURILS', '  Param :',$t);

Are some debugging that got left in by accident. If you remove them your playlists should start working again.


Although the more I look at your log the more it looks strange.

If it doesn't work:

Make sure debugging is on (level 7 probably).

Is there something in the 'Custom Logfile' box as well? If so I need to see that logfile. something's not right with that log you sent me, it is missing a load of important stauff.


Hey thanks - that's it!
Deleting these lines did it.


Well that makes no sense, but I'm glad it's fixed :)


Regarding the strange logs I would be happy to generate some additional logs with double checked loglevel 7 if you like.


Hi, thanks but don't worry about it. Too much else to do. If your problem's fixed then my work here is done :)