Mark Greenwood

fatg3erman ·

Script monkey. If I had a shed it would run Linux.

Add support for MPD readpicture command

Dealing with binary data in MPD is horrible but if I can get it to work I'll add support for readpicture to the next release.


Is it possible to add "is not" to rating drop down in personalized radio?

That is a crazy and unusual use case. I like it. I'll put it in the next release.


Sort by Composer on Music Collection

Glad it's working. I really should cope with spaces in that parameter though, that's just lazy :) I'll try and remember to fix that.


Sort by Composer on Music Collection

Firstly make sure there aren't any spaces around between the commas.

Secondly, any change you make to that list requires you to rebuild the Music Collection to take effect. I know that's not entirely clear :)

Note that the end result is that any tracks...


Problem with database connection on archlinux

Thanks for posting that. I'll add a link to this on the setup pages.

The sheer number of different distros, each with their own quirks and ways of doing things, is a source of great pain to web developers who just want a stable platform on which to do the...


Problem with database connection on archlinux

Thanks. In the past I did try to put up instructions for RedHat-like distros, but with so much fragmentation and disagreement it's just impossible for one person to find the will to do it.

If you do get it to work I'm sure it would help other people if yo...


Problem with database connection on archlinux

ah and now I've read it again ERROR COULD NOT SAVE PREFS means it is definitely a write permissions problem. The webserver does not have write access to rompr/prefs


Problem with database connection on archlinux

Ah yes I didn't think about how you'd get the debug info when nothing can run. Never mind.

"Unable to open database file" suggests that the webserver doesn't have write access to the prefs directory. However the fact it's setting preferences suggests it...


Problem with database connection on archlinux

Sounds like a necessary php module is missing. I need A debug log and the debug info as described under Troubleshooting in the docs.


update music collection never finished

There is no difference in functionality. For some people with very large collections MySQL performs better but I always recommend SQLite as MySQL can have trouble handling certain character sets, as you have duscovered.


update music collection never finished

Looks like you have some peculiar characters in your track titles and the database can't understand them. Are yiu using Sqlite or MySQL? Whichever one, try the other one.

And what's with "Created Album ??? ?????" In the log? Is that really the title of th...


Cannot update music collection / scan music library


The getid3 bug is more concerning since that's not my code, there's nothing I can do about it.

I have, I think, a fix for the GD problem though.


Cannot update music collection / scan music library


Yep that's it.

PHP 8 GD seems to work completely differently. Sigh, why don't they deprecate things properly? That's not going to be a quick fix and will probably break PHP 7 support.

If you can uninstall php-gd, rompr will fall back to imagemagick, wh...


snapcast handling

Yeah that does make sense. There is no elegant solution. I take the attitude that people who know how to set up a reverse proxy know to fix other connectivity issues that causes. It's intended for use on a local network and the setup is described such th...


Cannot update music collection / scan music library


Please also send the info from the Debug Information plugin as described in the troubleshooting docs, it is possible that your PHP installation is missing the GD module and that imagemagick is not installed.


Cannot update music collection / scan music library


Your second log shows it is finding the images

12:01:45 [21611] LOG : LOCAL IMAGE SCAN (scan_for_local_images) : /home/admin/web/rompr12:01:45 [21611] TRACE : GET_IMAGES (get_images) : Scanning : prefs/MusicFolders/Adam Pits/Piston Pump12:01:45 [21611...


Cannot update music collection / scan music library


It is looking for the covers but not finding them

[17846] TRACE : GET_IMAGES (get_images) : Scanning : prefs/MusicFolders/ZaZa/Nduzangou (Remixes)[17846] DEBUG : GET_IMAGES (get_images) : Glob Path is prefs/MusicFolders/ZaZa/Nduzangou (Remixes)[17846]...


Cannot update music collection / scan music library


There is a problem currently with mysql/mariadb where I have to check a version number to figure out what version of the engine is in use so I can use appropriate SQL commands (because they changed things in a non-backwards compatible way). Differe...


Cannot update music collection / scan music library


What you've sent me there is a log file that says the log file could not be opened.

Please do not use the custom logfile option, in case you are.

Then sort out the permissions on your log files so they can becwritten to.


Cannot update music collection / scan music library


I need a rompr debug log, not an mpd log. Please see the Troubleshooting section of the docs, mpd's log is not useful.

Also please note that Windows support is experimental and I cannot test on Windows.


Version 153 not display all file info on some tracks

Nice one, a small oversight. Try version 1.54


Version 153 not display all file info on some tracks

The info in that panel is read directly from mpd, doesn't use my database or getid3, so the bug is likely to be in the Javascript side. If you're comfortable using the browser's Javascript console you might see an error message in there, otherwise you coul...


Version 153 not display all file info on some tracks

I can't reproduce this at all. You say it does it 'sometimes'. Is there a pattern? Are there specific tracks that always do it or is there something else you do that provokes it?