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Status Not Available #82

I am trying to install JasperReprotsIntegration "jri-3.0.0-jasper-7.0.1" on an oracle linux 8 compute instance(Virtual machine) on my Oracle always free account.
I am following the quick start guide
I downloaded the tool then ran...

cd bin
chmod u+x *.sh

```The result was that jri.war was moved to webapps folder and I was able to start the server using...


The steps I did not follow is "2. Configure your database access", "6. Installation of database objects" and "7. Installation of the test application". That's because I do not need them for now.
When used http://Compute_instance_ip:8090 , I got...
<img src='' alt='not available.png' width=557 />
Notice the status column. What's it mean? And if it's a problem, how solve it?
Thanks in advance
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