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Not display my reports #79


I have the problem that the test report does work, but when I try to use one of the rerpots that I already have it tells me that there is an error and to contact the administrator. I have already seen the logs and I don't see any problem, could it be that I didn't do something with the reports?
this is the error:
12:05:11.469 UT: TLD parsing error for http://URL/jri/report?_repName=ACUSES&_repFormat=pdf&_dataSource=default&PNumero_Acuse=5702128359&j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin&userLocale=en

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you are using the JasperReportsIntegration, right? Which version?
How did you construct this url, manually?
It looks weird, because _username and _password are not expected as parameters.

And the error did you get from which logfile? Are you running Tomcat ... or another appserver. Version please.

Best, Dietmar.