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JasperReports Library 7.0 #74


Now that JasperReports Library 7.0 is available, is there any timeline on when this will be incorporated into JasperReportsIntegration?

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Hi David, no. No planned timeline.

In August / September I could find some time to do it.
Please ping me again around the 15th of August.

Thank you


Will do - thank you!


Hi Dietmar,
It will be really useful to have such an update to version 7.0, as JasperReport Studio version 6.20.6, as well as versions prior to 6.21.2, are not available for download anymore.

Thank you


Hi Marco,

I will do it ... when I am back from my vacation and have settled into a new location.

Currently still traveling the world :)

Best, Dietmar.


Just providing requested Ping.


Thank you for the reminder. Will start working on it next week. Thank you for your patience.

I am on it. It is a bit complicated because they have changed the build process of the JasperReportsLibrary project.

This is always the most complicated part, to "collect" all required libraries. And it is not well documented, which libraries they will include for which feature.

So, typically, I try to use the project's build process to create all .jar files and automatically download all required dependent libraries.

At the same time, I don't want to include EVERYTHING, else the .war file will get too big.
But I need most of the things that Jasper Soft Studio supports featurewise. Else, people will design the report, preview looks great ... but throws an error on the JRI runtime environment.

It will take a couple more days, but the major portion of the work is done. Not working on it full-time.


Excellent - thanks so much for the update!


Just tested. Thanks again!


Hi @mnicolazzo,

just in case. I did release the upgrade to version 7. Nevertheless, your question might be answered in a different way, if I understand it correctly.

There is a compatibilty mode in JasperSoftStudio that allows you to create .jrxml files for a specific JasperReports version.

This way, you can use a recent version of JasperSoftStudio, yet the source files are compatible with previous versions.

Perhaps this might help.

Greenshot 2024-10-18 15.28.34.png

Best, ~Dietmar.