We are trying to print generated html. In the Apex application the customer should be able to set the salutation and first sentence. For this we use the Rich Text Editor - html fieldtype.
When we use:
<p>Sehr geehrte %CONTACTPERSON%,</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Wir bedanken uns für Ihre Anfrage und senden Ihnen gerne unser unverbindliches Angebot zu.</p>
<p>Der Preis gilt vom %VALID_FROM% bis zum %VALID_FROM%</p>
It shows like this in de JasperIntegration pdf output
It shows oke in Jaspersoft Studio like this:
Basically JasperIntegration doesn't start a new paragraph on a new line and Jaspersoft Studio does.
Is there a way to generate the text via JasperIntegration Like JaspersoftStudio?
We are using the Jasperintegration 2.10.1 (6.20.0) and Studio 6.20.6