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Enable client to send report directly to it's printer #69


Hello. I've installed JRI for evaluation. I need to know if this requirement can be accomplished.
The user needs to send reports directly to their default printer without seeing a print preview dialog. That should happen when they click a button. That should happen to without knowing the printer's name(Just the default one).
The app will be hosted on the embedded Jetty web server that's in ORDS or on Tomcat.
Can this be done?

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well, I guess not.

The way it works is that the printing is done from the application server, in your case on the machine hosting the ORDS or Tomcat server. This server will have a printer attached (either physically or through the network). JRI can only print to such a printer that is KNOWN to this machine.

Best, Dietmar.


Thanks for your reply. Sorry to followup late.
If I won't print directly to the client printer, kindly, tell me if the following scenario is applicable...
Can I design a report to be called from a button in Oracle APEX which when clicked, a print dialog is opened, then the user can choose a printer then print to that printer? I am asking and I think the answer is know too. But is there a way a client user chooses one of his printers and send the report to it like the web browser print dialog does?