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When using jasper report Integration sessions are not closed propperly #4


We are using the new version of the inegration and we have at the end of the day many open connections.
We need a fix for this.

Cf. Thread #20 on Github.

Hi, I have the same problem here at a customer site and reported this to Dietmar on Oct. 22nd of '18. Before the update of JRI 2.4.x.x to everything was fine. Since Dietmar was very busy at this time, I wrote a database "cron job" that killed all inactive JasperReport sessions from time to time (once every hour). This is a workaround, but far better than crashing the database. Still the prob needs to be fixed reasonably.

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PeterPSSE created from GitHub issue When using jasper report Integration sessions are not closed propperly
daust added the answered label