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Unable to generate .csv file. PDF and xlsx work fine #35


I'm trying to generate a .csv using a simple query in the .jasper template, however when running the test report through the jasperreportsintegration "dashboard", when selecting it as .csv and enabling the _saveIsEnabled parameter to true, the file is produced in the output directory but there is no content. If I do the same for any other, like PDF, xlsx, it works fine.

The file is produced correncly when calling the xlib_jasperreports.get_report through the database. I can save it just fine in the blob column, but again through the get_report it saves in the server with not content.
I could not track any logs to provide here.

Best Regards,

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Hi Filipe,
can you provide a simple test case ... a test.jrxml file?
Thank you.

flbessa · Author

Typically, a simple test case is based on USER_OBJECTS or some other data dictionary view because I don't have your data model / tables like fm_erp_interface_ar.

But I can have a look just need to rewrite the query.

flbessa · Author

Hi there,

Sorry I should've attached just a basic jrxml.
Thank you very much for reproducing it and confirming it is fixed on the 2.9.0 version. I'm currently running 2.7.0.

I'll upgrade it and if any trouble I'll let you know.

Best Regards,

flbessa · Author

Any dates when 2.9.0 will be released? just wondering so I can plan my work.



flbessa · Author

Thank you.
I'll get them installed.

Appreciated the quick response.