Hello Dietmar Aust,
we were used to drop both, *.jasper and *.jrxml files, into the directory ...\reports where JRI does expect them. Since using JRI 2.7.0 sometimes error messages come up:
(Windows Server 2012, tomcat 9.0.44, java 16, jri 2.7.0)
case 1: both types of files in dir. ...\reports:
error: Error compiling ...\reports\wart_planung_haupt.jrxml: Error saving file: ...\reports\wart_planung_haupt.jasper.
looks JRI trys to compile but there is already a *.jasper file and cannot overwrite. There were problems with windows access rights on all the JRI-directories, after solving that, the error appeared once then no more.
case 2: both types of files in dir. ...\reports:
error: in the browser there is something like a short flash as if a new page would be opened, next moment it is over and obviously nothing happened. Perhaps it is an error in our Apex- resp. Foex -app.
case 3: only *.jrxml files in dir ...\reports:
Resource not found at: stdwart_ladeliste_sub_uebers.jasper. as the file name suggests it is a subreport, so JRI has successfully compiled the main report, stdwart_ladeliste_haupt.jrxml to stdwart_ladeliste_haupt.jasper (I can see the file afterwards), but when reading the name of the subreport in the subreport object of the main report, is unable to open subreport stdwart_ladeliste_sub_uebers.jasper and does not compile stdwart_ladeliste_sub_uebers.jrxml
case 4: only *.jasper files in dir. ...\reports:
seems it does work
also the behaviour is not the same on different VMs, in other VMs there is no problem with keeping both files in ...\reports
Looks like I have to do some more debugging.
Fur further debugging I would appreciate you to say what I can expect:
a) if both type of files are in dir. ...\reports
b) if only *.jrxml files are in dir. ...\reports
c) if only *.jasper files are in dir. ...\reports
In which of the 3 cases JRI will try to compile the jrxml file to a jasper file?
Thanks for caring
Stephan Pickl, sellexx ag