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How to connect with Oracle Cloud database or autonomous database with JasperReportsIntegration #18


I download and connect JasperReportsIntegration 2.7.x with my local network database its working fine but when i try to connect with autonomous database it is not connecting please guide me or any steps to follow it.
if a steps/example can give it will help me to connect it.


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Did you find any solution for this issue?


@daxlai , @MohamedHeba does it work now for you? If yes, please mark the question as "solved". Thank you.

daxlai · Author

Yes working solution thanks


Thanks @daust for your reply. I tried this solution months ago with no success using oracle cloud free tier.
i will try to create new instances and let you know.
Thanks again.


Great @daxlai,

then please mark this thread/question as "solved".

It will help others to quickly figure out what works or not.

Thank you.



If you have any issues, please reach out. It should work.