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New JRI Module for Webmin #11



I've put together a Webmin module for installing and managing JasperReportsIntegration.

It can be used to get up and running easily with JasperReportsIntegration, complete with UI.

It also has a Scheduling feature as well as Report Dashboard for managing reports.

Finally, it can be used with or without APEX (if you are not using APEX there is no need to install the JasperReportsIntegration objects into your Oracle schema).

I hope it proves useful.


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Hi @DavidGhedini,

sounds great :). Well done.

We should get in touch to make sure all future changes to the integration will not break your module.


daust added the answered label

Hi @daust -
I've tested with 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 and all works fine.
Ill be updating the repo today.
Thanks again,


Hi David, please wait a little. I have been reported a few minor issues and a big one. Barcodes don't render at the moment. I will be fixing those issues and should be done with the release by the end of the week.

It would be good to understand what kind of tests you did so that I can incorporate them in my manual testing and possibly automatic in the future.



Hi -
No worries -
Since JRI Publisher is only a UI for JRI, I just test JRI functionality as well as our automation (Scheduling, crons, etc..).
The only feature we added for this release is ability to automatically configure JNDI support for PostgreSQL, MS SQL, and MySQL during set up.


Hi @daust
I've tested with 2.6.2 and everything works well, including JNDI set up.
I've updated the release on Github as well.


Hi @DavidGhedini,

sounds great, thank you. Based on my own testing and feedback from and others I feel confident that the release is very stable.

That was an important milestone to reach, the source code is available on github, using all the github services, moved to gradle, greatly simplified the overall build process and upgrading the jasperreports libraries.

Now, feature updates will be a lot easier to implement and distribute.

