Chris Timperley

ChrisTimperley ·

Systems Scientist; Self-Repairing Robots and Automated Program Repair

ROS 2 Support


Thanks for your interest in ROSWire! Support for ROS2 is planned for sometime this summer.


Unknown problems occur on setting up Darjeeling.

help wanted question

"Waiting for pending evaluations to complete" shouldn't take as long as that. (It usually takes a few minutes, depending on the bug that's being repaired.)

Can you CTRL+C/SIGTERM the Darjeeling process and upload the log file? I haven't come across this f...


Unknown problems occur on setting up Darjeeling.

help wanted question

@cjfgnsdk12 Unfortunately, there's a Windows vs. Linux compatibility issue in the DockerPy source code that causes this bug to manifest:

There's a pending PR on the DockerPy repo that fixes this problem:


Unknown problems occur on setting up Darjeeling.

help wanted question

@cjfgnsdk12 @pdreiter The issue appears to be resolved. You'll need to git pull your copy of ManyBugs ( and then you'll need to rebuild any of the gzip images that you wish to repair (e.g., bugzoo bug build manyb...).


Unknown problems occur on setting up Darjeeling.

help wanted question

Ah. It looks like the Docker images for the scenarios don't have Bear. Going forward, the plan is to get Darjeeling to automatically run bear during a rebuild to obtain a , but for now, the quick fix is to add Bear to the Gzip images. I'll go ahead and do...


Unknown problems occur on setting up Darjeeling.

help wanted question

@cjfgnsdk12 @pdreiter I can confirm that I can reproduce your error on my machine. It appears that the BugZoo scenario is fine, but that the static analysis step (performed by Kaskara) is failing. I'm debugging the issue now.

(Also, thanks for respondin...


Docker in Docker for bugzoo iteractions

It looks like you've run into the problem of trying to interact with Docker whilst inside a Docker container. There are two common solutions to the problem. One solution is overkill and should be avoided at all costs (dind: Docker-in-Docker). The other...


Unknown problems occur on setting up Darjeeling.

help wanted question

It looks like your environment is setup correctly and that you have everything installed. The issue seems to be with the BugZoo bug scenario that you're trying to repair. Can you share the configuration file that you're using for Darjeeling?


Unknown problems occur on setting up Darjeeling.

help wanted question

Hi. I don't suppose that you could share some more details about the error?

Also, what versions of Docker and Python 3 are you using? And are you using pipenv or virtualenv to install Darjeeling? If you're not using either of those, I would recommend usin...


gcov linking issue


It looks like this could be a clang/glibc issue. When you manually compiled, I'm guessing that you didn't manually inject the source code instrumentation that BugZoo/Darjeeling adds when computing coverage?


Does 'seed' ensure that the same children/mutations are generated for a yml configuration and program?


The same set of mutations should be generated. If that's not the case, then it sounds like there's a bug.


Does darjeeling/bugzoo infrastructure support more than one simultaneous process?

bug question

So, by default, Darjeeling will spin up a temporary BugZoo server on a predetermined port. When the second Darjeeling instance is launched, it will try to launch a new BugZoo server on the same predetermined port that was used by the first Darjeeling...


Does darjeeling/bugzoo infrastructure support more than one simultaneous process?

bug question

I haven't tried to do this before, but so long as the Darjeeling instances are connected to different BugZoo servers, then this shouldn't be an issue. How did you launch the Darjeeling and BugZoo processes?


What’s the best/most effective way to debug input to darjeeling?

help wanted

It looks like the problem here is in the static analysis component, Kaskara, rather than Darjeeling. For Kaskara issues, I would launch the container, mount the Kaskara binaries, and try to run kaskara-* on the source code.

If you simply want to find how ...


kaskara-statement-finder : "Compile command not found"

bug help wanted

I would expect to see the same error for any of the tools. Clang is complaining that it doesn't know how was used to compile the binary. Usually, for a single file program with a main function, Clang can figure out the structure of the program. For mor...


kaskara-statement-finder : "Compile command not found"

bug help wanted

@pdreiter Has fauxware changed since you last sent it to me? I notice a Dockerfile.old in the tea_sampler.fauxware, but no Dockerfile. Is that fine?


Where are Darjeeling debug log file[s] located?

enhancement question

I don't think that Darjeeling is currently setup to write its logs to file. I could add a --log-to-file [FILENAME] option to the command line? Or do you have a better suggestion? Either way, I'm happy to implement that functionality.


Incremental Debug for new test cases

docs enhancement

From a quick glance, it looks like this is due to the Makefile. BugZoo calls the command correctly (take a look at ~/.bugzoo/logs to confirm), but the binary is destroyed after make is called (should clean_all be included in the all rule?)


Incremental Debug for new test cases

docs enhancement

I don't suppose that I can get access to your repository with fauxware? That will make debugging a little easier :-)
Alternatively, uploading sefcom:fauxware to DockerHub would also work.


Incremental Debug for new test cases

docs enhancement

This looks like a bug in BugZoo. Specifically, it looks like the context in test-harness is being ignored. Just to double check, ./ works when you manually invoke it from inside /experiment/src?