
CastleCaptain ·


Qobuz Enhancement

In Logitech Media Server the squeezebox plugin for Qobuz provides the following:


Is it possible to add some of these other capabilites in a future release? Or, is Mopidy-Qobuz-Hires limiting what can be done with Qobuz features?

Thank you for adding Qo...



Is there a "chimps" guide for getting yt-dlp working with mopidy/rompr? I am struggling with all of the content and options that are listed on the yt-dlp github site. This the message i get in RompR when trying to download a YouTube album."Youtube Downlo...


Qobuz Support

Not sure if it is on your to do wish list or not but a nice to have would be better Qobuz access via RompR. I am currently using the Qobuz-Hires plugin for Mopidy which provides a somewhat clumsy Qobuz access via RompR - File Browser.